
Where I’ve been and of course the “Bucket List”

The WNBA Has Brought Lesbian Lust Mainstream. Now What?

Two of my closest friends are obsessed with women’s basketball, which is maybe not a surprise because, well, we’re gay. And I don’t mean that we’re gay in the broadly defined way that we have romantic relationships with women (though that’s true), I mean we are gay in the ways […]

12 “Summer In A Bottle” Perfumes To Lift Your Mood, From £24

12 “Summer In A Bottle” Perfumes To Lift Your Mood, From £24

With summer kicking into full gear, now is the time for a wardrobe refresh. Your fragrance wardrobe, that is. To usher in the warmer weather, we have been swapping out our cosy vanilla perfumes and moody oud scents for something a little more vibrant and airy. There are plenty of […]

Would You Share Skincare To Save Money? These Women Do It All The Time

Would You Share Skincare To Save Money? These Women Do It All The Time

When it comes to maximising your outfit options, sharing clothes is just one way to join in the fun. Perhaps you’ve considered splitting the cost of a designer top with your best friend, or maybe you’re looking into a subscription on a clothes rental platform to secure a few days’ […]

Forget “Icks,” Here Are Our Oddly Specific Turn-Ons

“Icks” are all over the internet. What turns us off — that inexplicable and sudden feeling of disgust and cringe — has taken up plenty of real estate on TikTok. If you search the word on the app, you’ll find lists and lists of things people say are unexpected dealbreakers […]

The #GenderEqualOlympics Are Historic — But The Games (Still) Aren’t Close To Fair

The #GenderEqualOlympics Are Historic — But The Games (Still) Aren’t Close To Fair

Medals aren’t the only thing that matters at Paris 2024. With Personal Best, we’re going beyond the scoreboards to champion the game changers and spark conversations about what it takes to make competitive sport truly fair play. Trigger Warning: This article references disordered eating. After a three-hour ride to a […]

“My Financial Situation Isn’t Great.” 5 Women Olympians On The Cost Of Competition

“My Financial Situation Isn’t Great.” 5 Women Olympians On The Cost Of Competition

Medals aren’t the only thing that matters at Paris 2024. With Personal Best, we’re going beyond the scoreboards to champion the game changers and spark conversations about what it takes to make competitive sport truly fair play. Every four years, thousands of athletes from across the globe come together to […]

PSA: These Beauty Editor-Rated SPFs Are 20% Off

PSA: These Beauty Editor-Rated SPFs Are 20% Off

.disclaimer{width:90%;margin-bottom:1rem}.disclaimer__lines{width:100%;margin:0 auto;border-bottom:1px solid #999;padding:0;max-width:150px}.disclaimer__copy{width:100%;max-width:355px;font-family:Brown Regular,sans-serif;font-size:.9rem;font-weight:300;line-height:1.3em;color:#333;padding:0 0 .4rem;margin:1rem auto;text-align:center} All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission. SPF is a non-negotiable; it’s a fact drilled into us since we were kids, impatiently letting our parents slather us with […]

4 Women On Their “Mixed-Weight Relationship” – & How Problematic The Term Is

People are talking about “mixed weight relationships” — again. And yes, it’s still an odd and problematic term. Although people have been using the term for years to describe a relationship between a couple in which one person is larger than the other, it’s come to the fore in the […]

My Skin Always Looks Worse After A Facial — But Why?

My Skin Always Looks Worse After A Facial — But Why?

I have a confession to make: I hate facials. That’s a small problem considering it’s part and parcel of my job to try new treatments with all manner of hi-tech machines and buzzy ingredients. More often than not I turn them down with a flimsy excuse: “My dermatologist wouldn’t like […]