Month: April 2021

29 Big (Style) Ideas

29 Big (Style) Ideas

/*! Waypoints – 4.0.1 Copyright © 2011-2016 Caleb Troughton Licensed under the MIT license. */ !function(){“use strict”;function t(n){if(!n)throw new Error(“No options passed to Waypoint constructor”);if(!n.element)throw new Error(“No element option passed to Waypoint constructor”);if(!n.handler)throw new Error(“No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor”);this.key=”waypoint-“+e,this.options=t.Adapter.extend({},t.defaults,n),this.element=this.options.element,this.adapter=new t.Adapter(this.element),this.callback=n.handler,this.axis=this.options.horizontal?”horizontal”:”vertical”,this.enabled=this.options.enabled,this.triggerPoint=null,{,axis:this.axis}),this.context=t.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context),t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]&&(this.options.offset=t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]),,this.context.add(this),i[this.key]=this,e+=1}var e=0,i={};t.prototype.queueTrigger=function(t){,t)},t.prototype.trigger=function(t){this.enabled&&this.callback&&this.callback.apply(this,t)},t.prototype.destroy=function(){this.context.remove(this),,delete i[this.key]},t.prototype.disable=function(){return this.enabled=!1,this},t.prototype.enable=function(){return this.context.refresh(),this.enabled=!0,this},{return},t.prototype.previous=function(){return},t.invokeAll=function(t){var e=[];for(var […]

A Year Of Doing Own Hair In Our Own Homes

A Year Of Doing Own Hair In Our Own Homes

To some, Tessica Brown’s perma-sleek mistake was just another punchline that launched a million Gorilla Glue Girl memes, but the fact that a Black woman was struggling with at-home hairstyling during a pandemic wasn’t a simple joke. It was a viral example of the creative ways in which Black women […]

Sadiq Khan On His Plans To Make Women Feel Safer In London

Today Sadiq Khan, who is currently running to be re-elected as mayor of London on 6th May, visited a pharmacy in east London’s Newham. That pharmacy was more than it seemed: staff inside are trained to provide a safe space for people experiencing or at risk of domestic violence. If […]

The COVID-19 Vaccines May Have Some Surprising Benefits

The COVID-19 Vaccines May Have Some Surprising Benefits

In the hours before the first COVID-19 vaccine was approved in the US for emergency use, I was on the phone with epidemiologists and medical experts who were detailing the expected advantages to widespread vaccination: There’d be fewer deaths, and fewer severe cases of COVID-19, so hospitals wouldn’t be so […]

An HIV Vaccine Based On The Moderna COVID Vaccine Is Getting Promising Results

An HIV Vaccine Based On The Moderna COVID Vaccine Is Getting Promising Results

A new HIV vaccine, based on the Moderna COVID-19 inoculation, has shown a 97% antibody response rate in Phase I clinical trials. Currently, HIV affects more than 38 million people globally. If approved, this vaccine could become the first stage of a multi-step strategy to combat HIV and other viral […]