Month: June 2024

All The Lifestyle & Wellbeing Products We Tried & Loved In May

All The Lifestyle & Wellbeing Products We Tried & Loved In May

At least once a week — let’s face it, at least once every day — the writers and editors across Refinery29 discuss the latest and greatest products in our lives, from some cool new water bottle that’s been absolutely saving our lives to a state-of-the-art sleep product that’s changed our eight hours for the […]

Your Horoscope This Week: 2nd To 8th June

Your Horoscope This Week: 2nd To 8th June

ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI This first full week of June begins with a loving connection between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. Then on the 3rd, Mercury joins the sun, Venus, and Jupiter and enters Gemini for three-week journey. Under this influence, our minds may be racing with different […]