If you’re looking for a luxurious yet affordable handbag, then my edit of the best designer handbags under £500 is for you. It includes contemporary styles that are more high end then high street handbags under £100, but that are just that little bit more attainable that the top end designer handbags, sans compromising on style of course.
Make no mistake, just because you don’t have £1,000 to drop at Dior, Bottega Veneta or Chanel doesn’t mean the designer market is completely closed off to you. More and more labels are offering entry-market styles, meaning you can still proudly say you own designer (if you’re into logos and labels), without breaking the bank too much.
For example, Loewe’s basket bag is a bestseller year after year, and for good reason: it’s the perfect summer bag and never goes out of style. Jacquemus’ Le Bambino bag might be small in size, but mighty in style. And it’s so Instagram-worthy. Miu Miu’s clutch bags are perfect for going out out. You can even buy mid-range styles from the likes of J.W. Anderson, Mulberry and Prada, believe it or not.
Isabel Marant and Acne have impeccable tote bags that are roomy and stylish, and A.P.C is great for understated leather bags.
Then you have all your cool contemporary brands. Think Ganni for cool prints, STAUD for baguette bags, By Far for more fun, trend-led pieces and Kassl Editions for go-with-everything pouches.
Much like their more expensive counterparts, these affordable styles can suit all tastes, whether you want a colourful trend-led design for now, or something more classical that will stand the test of time – which, let’s face it, is the ultimate investment and cost-per-wear goal.
So, fancy a treat without waiting for several paydays? Keep scrolling to shop my edit of the best designer handbags under £500.
The post The best designer handbags under £500 appeared first on Marie Claire.