I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you’re going to part with your hard-earned cash for one fashion item, then designer handbags should be top of your list, and none so much as Chanel bags. Yes, they are costly, but as you’ll see from my guide below, they are worth it.
What is a Chanel handbag worth
There’s no beating around the bush, if you want to buy a Chanel bag, then you’ll have to splurge, since the entry point styles (small bags and clutches) will set you back around £3,000.
Are all Chanel handbags a good investment
Oh yes, though it depends on what style you buy. The more trend-led pieces and new styles probably won’t hold their value as well as the iconic styles such as the Chanel 2.55, the Classic flap shoulder bag and the Chanel Boy bag. These three styles in particular have not only held their value over the years, but increased it as well.
For example, the flap bag cost just over £1,000 in the 90s, but it’s now worth over £7,000 and the 2.55 has increased in value by over 70% in the past decade. So if you think you’ll end up selling it in the future, then do go for those styles.
How can you tell authentic Chanel
There are a few ways you can tell if a Chanel handbag is fake, for example if the stitching isn’t perfect, the chain straps are lightweight, the serial number is more than eight digits long or if it’s marked as made anywhere else other than France or Italy. There are a lot more specific things to look out for, so I recommend buying from a reputable site which has a team of experts who will have authenticated the bag for you. The general rule of thumb though is if it’s too good to be true, ie the bag is cheap, then it’s likely to be a scam.
Chanel bags sale
Sadly, if you’re hoping to shop the Chanel sale, you’re out of luck. Like many luxury retailers, Chanel doesn’t do sales, and you can’t even shop the label at other sites who might, like Matches or Net-A-Porter. You can however get a discount if you’re willing to buy second hand.
Where to buy Chanel handbags
You can’t actually buy new Chanel handbags online. While you can see the styles and prices on their official website, you have to visit their boutiques to actually buy the handbags. This isn’t a bad thing as you’ll then benefit from the full luxury retail experience, and for the price, you want to see it IRL too.
However, if you’re looking for second hand and vintage Chanel bags, there are plenty of official resell sites you can visit, from Selfridges’ RESELL to Farfetch and Vestiaire Collective. Make sure you buy yours from a reputable site that will have authenticated it for you. Keep scrolling to shop my edit.
The post The best Chanel bags to add to your forever wardrobe appeared first on Marie Claire.