In the dark depths of the Internet lies a corner for catharsis. For grief, for laughs and, on occasion, unbridled rage. From suffocating mothers-in-law to petty
friend feuds and a whole lot of
wedding-related drama ,
Reddit’s Am I The Asshole thread (previously known as AITA) has become a sanctuary for anonymous venters to divulge their behavioural dilemmas to the world, asking the dreaded question:
Am I the asshole?
We’ve all wondered it at some point. People are confusing creatures and navigating each other’s moods and behaviours leaves us constantly scratching our heads. But relying on our own judgement or that of those close to us doesn’t always give us the hard truths we need to hear. Luckily AITA allows a jury of Internet strangers to rule on our personal choices, giving us some insight, validation or in some cases, hopefully some much-needed self-reflection.
While the stories range from highly nuanced to unbelievably absurd, they’re always a riot to indulge in, and what’s even more entertaining are the thousands of truly wild comments they fetch.
As big fans of the notorious subreddit, we thought we’d round up some of our favourite posts that have stuck with us. Ahead, twelve Am I The Asshole? stories that are sure to leave your jaw on the floor.
“I just got married last week (my wife and I are both in our thirties). I am Mexican, and she is American, but we both grew up in the US and both our families know both languages. My wife planned every bit of the wedding and was a very controlling and nervous bride, but alright, I get that she was stressed.
“During the reception, I went to the band and asked them to play a song for me to sing to my new wife. It was Te Amare by Miguel Bose. It was the song from our first date in a really bad Mexican restaurant, so it became a long-standing joke between us. The guests really loved the song, my MIL cried and told me it was beautiful, but my bride seemed upset. I asked her what was wrong and she said I am an [asshole] for taking the spotlight to enforce my ethnicity and not just let the band sing our song for us. Aita?”
Read the responses here .
“So my (28f) husband (31m) had to spend two months in a different state for work. He came back 9 days ago. I am obviously thrilled he’s back and I’ve missed him a lot. I was hoping we would be able to spend some time together just the two of us. However, his mom (56f) came over when he was supposed to come home. I was slightly annoyed but I know she was just excited for her son to be back. However, she never left. Like I was prepared to deal with her being there for a day or two but not 9 days.
“Because she’s been here for nine days we haven’t had a second of time together. She insists on staying here instead of a hotel. (For the record she lives an hour away.) the guest room is right next to ours and the walls are thin. When the two of us go out she comes with us. Or makes one of us stay with her bc otherwise we would be “bad hosts”. She follows us around the house constantly. We want to cuddle and watch movies she’s sitting in the armchair. We want to go to a romantic restaurant better make that a table for three. We have even left her in the living room to go “chat” in our room and she follows us.
“Earlier today, I just asked her to leave. (Even though both of us have been hinting that she needs to go.) She kept saying she wasn’t ready to go yet and wanted more time with her son. I tried telling her we wanted some alone time and she kept insisting that she join us. Finally, I snapped and said “Since you seem to be oblivious, I will put this bluntly. I want to fuck your son. If you don’t want to see or hear then you need to leave.” (Ik this isn’t the classiest response ever but I was frustrated.) Anyway, she yelled at me but eventually left. We finally got to have our “alone time.” But now she is blowing up both of our phones, saying that I am disgusting and have no respect for her, her son, or myself. She keeps telling my husband that he shouldn’t be with someone so crude and how dare he let me speak to her like that. I’m sure you get the idea. I know that what I said was really inappropriate but AITA?”
“Edit: after reading these comments I will definitely let my husband know he needs to step up. I agree that it should’ve been him who made her leave. I love him to death and want to be accommodating to his fear of making her angry (she’s nasty when she’s angry and will turn his whole family against him). However, he needs to set boundaries.”
Read the responses here .
“I’m just going to get right to it — My (25f) boyfriend (28m) likes to be called “daddy” in bed while we’re being intimate. I’ve obliged this request but it’s starting to creep me out and I’ve decided I don’t want to do it anymore. He is not happy with this and insists it has nothing to do with the connotation of the word, he just simply enjoys hearing me say it.
“Since he wasn’t budging on the issue, I told him I’d like for him to call me “grandma” in bed as a compromise. He didn’t like this option and said it was giving him visuals he would prefer not to have — like ok, join the fucking club. Anyway, the last time he tried to initiate intimacy with me, I started to refer to myself as “grandma” in the 3rd person (do you like when grandma does that?, etc) and he FLEW off the handle. Said I ruined the mood, made him feel gross and I was being ridiculous. I think I proved my point but he thinks I’m being an asshole so, AITA?”
Read the responses here .
“So I, (27F) am getting married to my fiancé, (27M) in a little under three weeks. Everything has been going amazing with the planning, and I’m ecstatic for the day. My best friend, “Cassie”, whom I’ve been friends with since we were 10 years old is my maid of honour. She is truly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, and has stuck with me through everything. She’s been the biggest help in planning this whole ordeal, and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. However, I’ve never been the biggest fan of her girlfriend, “Sophie”. I always show her respect and try to include her in things, but she’s a huge introvert, and sometimes it can come off as disrespect in return (Cassie’s own words). But, they always seem to be very happy together, so I hope she warms up to me a little in time. (They’ve only been together for a little over a year and a half).
“Several days ago, Sophie approached me, asking me if I’d be okay if she proposed during my reception. She claimed it would be a great way for Cassie and I to bond more, having our weddings linked and all of that. (Not that we need any more time to bond, she’s already my other half) I love Cassie to death, but I’d never allow that for anyone. I shut the idea down immediately, and Sophie got all pissy with me and left. She said something along the lines of “I don’t need your permission anyway” and walked out the door. This made me fearful that she’d attempt it anyway, so I went to Cassie.
“Needless to say, Cassie was mad. I never really see her get angry, but she was livid. She apologised profusely and said she couldn’t believe Sophie would ever think of doing something like that, and that was the end of our conversation. However, two days ago I got another call from Sophie, berating me for spoiling her plan to propose, and was informed that Cassie would be attending the wedding by herself, and is currently not speaking to her.
“I was concerned that wasn’t the entire story, so I called Cassie. She was a mess, said she was staying with her parents right now, and disinvited Sophie as her plus one because she was scared Sophie would’ve proposed anyway, given the chance, and she didn’t want to ruin my wedding. I told her to come stay with me for a while instead, and she showed up several hours later, still a complete mess. She said that she and Sophie had a huge fight, and she was reconsidering whether or not she wanted to stay in this relationship. According to Cassie, these huge fights are a common occurrence.
“I feel awful for ruining her proposal, and potentially ruining her relationship. Cassie has been picking herself up in front of me, and continuing to be great with the last-minute to-dos, but I’ve caught her crying while I’m not around. I love her, and I don’t want her to resent me for this. So I need to know AITA? And is there anything I can do to fix this?”
Read the responses here .
“So, after 30 years of steady progress, I’m making pretty good money. Like, I recently readjusted my 401k [editor’s note : the equivalent of a pension in the UK] so I won’t overpay into it this year and the change in my take-home pay is more than my roommate pays in rent in my sort of low-end ugly house in a poor neighbourhood. Both of my roommates and several friends are constantly struggling. I try to help by drastically undercharging on rent (they probably pay half what the going rate is for rooms in my city) and being the one who buys takeout on movie nights. But they still struggle. I pretty much downplay my income and will downplay my available money by pointing out the college expenses I pay for my child and the cost of filling my old junker car with gas.
“I was hanging with a friend recently and he asked what I make. I was honest. He called me a jerk and said I was condescending to my friends by acting ‘poor’ . He was actively angry that I’m ‘faking’ being poor. Meanwhile, I’m just trying to save up so I have a warm place to go to the bathroom when I’m old. I’m going to charge rent to live in my house. It seems wrong to have people live there rent-free. I just way undercharge. I have no desire to get a fancy new car or show off with a nicer house. I do spend money on travel, but that’s rare due to my job needing me. And no one sees how nice I travel. Am I the AH for ‘acting’ poor?”
Read the responses here .
“My husband works around his ex’s schedule as hers isn’t as flexible as his, or so she says. Whenever she doesn’t want the kids, wants to go out, see her boyfriend.. etc, we have the kids as a favour to her but when we ask for a favour or when I ask him to ask her to return the favour nothing happens? We have the kids at least 3-5 times a week as she’s “working”, last week we had the from Tuesday until this Tuesday and she didn’t tell us that the weekend was actually just a favour as she wanted to go out until he dropped them back off. So in return, I asked him to ask for this weekend for us to go away as we were both off which up until this morning was still the plan.
“Over the weekend, she’s invited a friend and her son over knowing that this kid bullies their son so asked can we have him for the weekend, so now he’s planning to bring him away with us. I said I’d rather just us to go away on the weekend as planned but if we can’t find other arrangements for their son I’d rather not go at all so now he thinks I’m being an AH. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, we had a night away booked and last minute she called and dropped their daughter off so we had to bring her with us.
Just so you know we/I spend a lot of time with the kids, they are with us most of the week and take day trips on weekends and a couple of holidays on half terms so it’s not like I refuse to bring them anywhere with us all the time, just when it’s been planned as a couples getaway.”
“Edit: no I don’t hate the kids. Yes I understand he’s a dad first but she’s a mum first. By favour, I meant when she last minute decides to see her boyfriend or go out, not by doing his parent duties as he should. Also, I told him to just take his son away and spend the weekend with him.”
Read the responses here .
“I crochet as a hobby. I started doing it about six or seven years ago to help cope with my anxiety. Over time I’ve become pretty good at it and have done a few commissions for small things. I recently opened my own website where I post my patterns and tips for free. Sometimes I’ll sell something on there I made that I wouldn’t keep or give away but in general, I don’t actively sell my stuff.
“I have a friend “Lynn” who is always asking me to make her stuff. I’ve made her a scarf and hat set and I gifted her a baby blanket for her rainbow baby, all of which have been free. She asks me to make my more complicated stuff for her like cardigans, large amigurumi toys (I am not an amigurumi person), and complex blankets, which I always say no to because as much as I love Lynn she is very demanding and I do this for fun. I enjoyed giving her her gifts, but I don’t like feeling obliged. It takes me a while to finish complex things and I know she wouldn’t be ok waiting more than like a week.
“Recently I posted a patchwork cardigan I made and Lynn texted me asking me to make one for her. I said no because it took me a month to finish and I had other things I wanted to make. She asked if she paid for it if I would make it for her. I told her that based on the cost of materials and an hourly wage for skilled labour it would cost $400. She said that was ridiculous and there was no way that cardigan would be worth $400. I told her I agree but that’s why I usually don’t take commissions and would rather give away stuff I make. She told me I was being greedy.
“Realistically, if I took a commission for this cardigan I’d charge like $75 (3x cost of materials) and give a two-month timeline, but I wanted to deter her from asking again. AITA for quoting her such a high price?”
Read the responses here .
“I (27 F) and a friend (24 F) have kids the same age (2). We recently did a girls’ beach trip. I left my child at home with my husband for the first time and in consequence for the first time in two years was child-free (my husband does what he can regarding our kid and does a lot but is gone a lot for work so I’ve never been apart from my kid for more than a few hours before someone says I have a husband issue. That isn’t the issue here). My friend brought her child which no one in the group had a problem with at all. Except my friend has a habit of letting, or rather forcing, others to watch/parent her kid.
“Every time we hang out she kinda checks out, goes on her phone or wonders off and sort of… dumps her kid on the friend group. Well, on this beach trip (overnight), she did just that to me. Now, remember this is the first time in a long time I’ve been kid-free (of at least my kid-free) and here she is, dumping her kid on me. Her kid is asking me to play with them, walk with them, you know, kid stuff. And I just want a BREAK. But here my friend is, playing on her phone just totally checked out. I try to redirect her kid back to her saying “oh you should ask your mom to play” to which she says without missing a beat “no, you have more patience for (kids name) anyway. You play with him.”
“My blood fucking boiled and I explained to her that I left my kid at home because I wanted to be kid-free for the night and not babysit hers. She rolled her eyes and I just lost it and told her to “stop being lazy and watch your own kid.” Of course, she was pissed but the rest of the group had my back. But my “friend” was so angry I can’t help but feel like I’m in the wrong.”
Read the responses here .
“My family does a gift exchange drawing each year for Christmas. We all reach into a bowl and pull out a name on a slip of paper. That is the person for whom we are to buy a gift for the big Christmas get-together. I honestly hate this ritual as it is a bundle of stress to find something for someone you barely know, but we do it because the family always has.
In 2019, I drew the sixty-year-old husband of my great aunt. I knew he and my great aunt were very well off, and really neither wanted nor needed anything. I knew also that the budget we had for gifts of fifty dollars max was not going to get him anything within his or her taste level. Since he did a lot of driving for his work, I found him a rather expensive set of tools to keep in his car trunk should he need them. He opened them during the party, seemed appreciative, and thanked me.
“This past Christmas, I saw my gift was from my great aunt. When I opened it, I immediately recognised the tool set I had given him three years before. Even the tape I had put on part of a torn label was there. I paused, broke into a big smile and excitedly exclaimed that this was incredible as, when I bought her husband a set three years ago, I had wanted to get a set for myself as well, but the store had told me the set was discontinued and no longer available. I gushed that she must have gone to a lot of trouble to find one just like the one I gave him three years ago. (Yes, I mentioned giving him a set three years ago many times.) I then made a big show of running over, hugging her, and saying thank you. She and he just had odd smiles frozen on their faces.
“See, my great aunt has a reputation whispered behind her back of being incredibly cheap and regifting most of what she receives. All the relatives had just witnessed me make a big production out of this one instance. My mum later took me aside and chastised me for what I did as my great aunt was visibly embarrassed and had left very soon after the gift exchange. I just looked at her and innocently asked what I did that was wrong by thanking her for a gift I really wanted. So, was I out of line?”
Read the responses here .
“I have a female co-worker who repeatedly calls me out regarding my weight. I’m female 5’9”, 115lbs [51 kilos] and very thin. She is very overweight. All the time she makes comments about my weight. She doesn’t call me by my name, she calls me “slim” and I even heard her say one time “go ask toothpick” and she has said stuff like “you need some meat on your bones” & “you need to eat”. I have only worked there 8 days. I have asked her very nicely to stop. Yesterday I asked her to stop calling me slim again and she basically said it’s her mouth and she can say what she wants.
“Today when she said “morning slim” I replied “morning chunky” and she got upset and actually started crying. Everybody here at work, (only six of us total) is saying I’m wrong and I should apologise because being called fat is “different” than being called skinny because being called skinny is a “compliment”. I said as long as she calls me slim, I will call her chunky and now I’m the bad person. AITA if I don’t apologise? The owner/manager has completely ignored the situation saying it’s “a high school issue and we should figure it out”.
We don’t have HR. There are only six of us working here (cupcake shop). We are all regular employees. I went to the owner BEFORE I called her chunky and I asked him to talk to her because I felt she was harassing me. That’s when he said we can handle it ourselves. That’s why I called her chunky. I told her to stop calling me slim and I didn’t like it and she continued to do it. She didn’t stop doing it after I asked multiple times and I didn’t know what to do besides what she was doing to me. She brought up my weight, I brought up hers.”
Read the responses here .
“So, my (24F) boyfriend (28M) is really protective over his furniture, I assume it’s because they’re white. This really shows when I’m on my period. My boyfriend does humiliating things like placing sheets on all of the chairs and lounges (I feel like if I were to leak, I’d just leak through the sheets anyway) and makes me sleep in the guest bedroom on the first two days of my period (my heaviest days) and then he even asks me about when was the last time I changed my tampon. I’m a grown woman who has had her period since the age of 12, I don’t need somebody to remind me to change a tampon.
“When he does this I just feel embarrassed and it gives me the vibe that he cares more about materialistic objects than me. I’m not even allowed to cuddle him during my period. He acts like I’m just gushing like a waterfall or something. I started my period yesterday and as I expected — the sheets come out. I decide to put my foot down and I take all of the sheets off the furniture, which got my boyfriend irritated, to which I told him that he needs to stop treating me like a leaking juice box. He’s saying that I have no right to prevent him from keeping his expensive furniture clean and that I’M the one acting like a “jerk.” I need to know, AITA?”
Read the responses here .
“I am 17f and my sister (21f) was always a rebellious child but never got in trouble. Our grandfather left us both funds for College in his inheritance. The only catch was to actually go to college. My sister was the party animal and she got pregnant at 18, my parents took care of everything, and she still lives with us with no father in the picture.
“I wanted to start looking for colleges now to be better prepared but turns out I have no money left, I’m literally sobbing while writing this my parents took my entire money and gave it to my sister.
“I raised this issue on Christmas and I’m being blamed for ruining Christmas and not loving my niece or my sister. I told them, ‘yes, I really hate each and every one of them.’ I feel like an asshole for that. My parents have offered 10k in exchange to calm me down but that amount was literally 80k they are now telling me that I’m greedy. Am I really the asshole? Should I take what they are offering me right now because, according to them, this is what they have got?”
Read the responses here .
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