How long ago was your last breakup and how long were you together?
My last breakup was six years ago and we’d been together almost five years.
When did you realise that things were ending?
We’d had a really rocky year beforehand when I’d found out I’d be moving to another country for medical school. I was so sure we’d be absolutely fine because we’d always thought we’d get married and had so many plans for the future. Plus I was only moving an hour (by plane) away so although I knew it would be hard, I thought we’d make loads of time for one another. That lead-up ended up revealing so many insecurities from him about our relationship and I started to realise we had very different ideas about what a relationship meant, different values and goals for the future. I think me taking a big step in my career made us strangely competitive and he never seemed proud of me. Sadly all the arguing just made us more distant and slowly I started to realise we weren’t willing to put the same kind of effort in. Much to my surprise, one day we had a really silly argument (about breakfast) and I realised I couldn’t do it anymore.
What did the breakup teach you?
Between the breakup with the man I thought I’d marry and the stress of moving to another country and doing the most intense studying of my life, I decided to start therapy. This was genuinely the best decision I ever made.
I realised I actually really struggled with being emotionally vulnerable and honest with another person. What I thought was me being radically truthful I realised was really a lot of defensiveness and anxiety. Because of the way we had argued, my self-esteem was so low after and I had internalised loads of ideas about not being good enough or being able to maintain a serious relationship.
But therapy helped me spend time with my own internal world, quiet that negative voice and really get to know myself. From that I could understand what I wanted in a partner and how I could be more open to receiving love.
How long afterwards did you meet your current partner and how long have you been together now?
I genuinely believe I might have manifested my current partner. It was about two years after my breakup and by writing down the aspects of myself I valued and loved, I was able to also think about these aspects of someone else. Literally about three months later we met (or more accurately, re-met as we’d been friends for about eight years prior) and we fell in love pretty quickly. We’ve been together three years now and although sometimes those same insecurities or fears of vulnerability come up in me, he’s so understanding and reassuring, I feel so secure.
Advice for anyone going through a breakup right now?
Spend time with yourself, let yourself feel the feelings when they come up and grieve the loss. Once you’re ready, think about why it ended and whether it was truly the right relationship for you. Reassess what you want your future to look like, and who would be the right person to join you for the journey.
The weird thing about breakups is even though they mostly suck, they re-expand your world. When you’re with someone else you meld into each other’s plans, but when you’re single you get to dream big. You can take that new job, move to a new country, do that new thing! And because life is funny, the second you start to feel amazing again, some new person will come into your life that’ll throw you off balance and make you think about taking that dive again. But this time you’ll be well-equipped for the right person.
Caroline, 32