Cosmic beings, this is one of the best weeks of the month for pausing from the rat race and truly allowing yourself to flow with your feelings, while reminding yourself that there’s no right or wrong way to feel. Venus, the planet of love, spends its final days in Cancer, and then on the 11th it switches into Leo for a four-week stay. We’ll vacillate from being moody and sleepy during the first half of the week to feeling quite flirtatious and confident as we near the weekend.

Venus in Leo brings much-needed fiery energy to the cosmos, which is currently dominated by Earth and Water transits. Use the passionate and adventurous energy of Venus in Leo to tap into your inner warrior. What creative projects have you been itching to bring forth? Since the Cancer new moon energy is still coursing through the cosmos, you’d benefit from setting or reviewing your new moon intentions and getting clear and specific on your six-month roadmap. Reverse-engineer the process until you reach or surpass your ideal destination.

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, as we approach Chiron’s upcoming retrograde in your sign at the end of July, you’re feeling an urge to clean your physical space thanks to the purifying energy of the recent Cancer new moon. You may find yourself getting increasingly irritated with mental and physical clutter — remove the nonessentials from your work and personal life, and make your home the ultimate haven. This is a great week to focus on renovating, redecorating or relocating.

Meanwhile, your ruler Mars is spending its final two weeks in Taurus, activating your money and self-esteem sector. As you set your new moon intentions this week, make sure you focus on your own mindset: How can you tap into the natural abundance present in the world and use that as inspiration to bring forth more financial security in your life? Once again, the theme of simplification comes into question — if you focus on all the ways you’re already wealthy and prosperous (especially in non-tangible ways), you’ll create an energetic pathway to manifesting more material wealth and emotional security.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, with Mars spending its final two weeks in your sign, you’re feeling more in tune with yourself thanks to the nurturing energy of last week’s Cancer new moon. Your communication style is improving due to the harmony between these two transits and your Taurus nature, and this makes you more approachable and more compassionate. This is an ideal week for having healing conversations with whomever you may have had a falling out with in past weeks or months.

You have until July 15th to set your intentions for the Cancer new moon and you’re encouraged to set time aside this week to prioritise doing so, as this is one of the most auspicious weeks of the year. Your intentions should focus on ways you can consistently keep your nervous system calm despite the flurry of activity that’s going on now that Jupiter is in Gemini for the next year and your ruler Venus has joined Mercury in Leo for the next few weeks. If you’ve been wanting to explore more meditative self-care rituals, this is the week to do so.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, now that your planetary ruler Mercury is settled in Leo, and Venus follows suit on the 11th, your sector of communication and creativity is activated, which lights you up significantly and gives you the boost of energy you were missing these past few weeks. Now the question is: What to do with all this energy? Where to direct it? 

That’s where the Cancer new moon portal comes into play. You have until the 15th to take advantage of this fertile manifestation energy and set clear intentions for what you’d like to accomplish these next six months, particularly when it comes to how you earn money and how you spend, save and share your resources. 

With Jupiter in your sign for the next year, you’re the luckiest sign of the zodiac, which means you’re able to manifest your desires with greater ease. So don’t be afraid of asking for what you really want and making room to receive it sooner than you think.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, how are you feeling after your annual new moon? We’ll continue to feel the rejuvenating energy of this lunation until the 15th and you may already start to sense a significant shift in the way you flow through life. This new moon portal instills you with a deeper sense of self-trust, allowing you to decipher your true intuitive nudges and distinguish them from anxious thoughts. This is a huge evolutionary success on your healing journey — take time to celebrate your spiritual and emotional growth. 

Mars is spending its final two weeks in Taurus in your sector of friendship and social networks. If you’ve been wanting to launch a product or service, call on your community or find mentors with whom you can collaborate in sustainable and productive ways. There’s no need to rush the launch during these final weeks of Cancer season but rather trust the journey and keep showing up even when you can’t yet see the results. You’re almost there. And it’ll be so worth it.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, how are you flowing now that Mercury’s in your sign and Venus follows suit on the 11th? We’re getting a preview of what Leo season has in store for us. You may be in the mood to give yourself a makeover ahead of your birthday season, and Venus in Leo is a great occasion to revamp yourself in any style that speaks to you most. This is an ideal week for taking part in creative activities or performances of any kind — you’ll gain the attention and interest of the public more easily than usual.

The one caveat is the fact that since we’re in the final two weeks of Mars’ transit through Taurus, and Saturn, the planet of responsibility, is currently retrograde in Pisces, you may be under the impression that life isn’t moving with as much speed or momentum as you desire. This is because the universe is trying to remind you of the art of patience. Instead of rushing the process, trust the process.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, you’re still adjusting to your ruler Mercury’s transit through Leo, which activates your sector of healing and closure. This may feel like a bit of a paradox because Leo energy is known for being lively and popular but once Venus also enters Leo on the 11th, you’ll be feeling anything but. You’ll be in the mood to mellow out in your own world and focus unapologetically on your own needs rather than resort to your typical people-pleasing tendencies. Good for you!

With Mars spending its final two weeks in your fellow Earth sign of Taurus, slow and steady wins the race when it comes to any media-related or travel endeavors you have planned this week. Rather than saying yes to too many events, get clear about the ones that you absolutely would never want to say no to and give them more of your attention. This is an ideal week for visualising your ideal schedule and discerning which changes are necessary to make so that your life aligns with that ideal.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, on the 11th your planetary ruler Venus joins Mercury in the sign of Leo for the next few weeks. This energy harmonises well with you, and it’s leading to an emphasis of planets currently transiting through your communication sector. You’re likely to feel more creative and imaginative under this double Leo energy and this will make you ultra attractive, not only to your collaborators and fans but also to your secret or obvious admirers. Bask in the glow of your magnetic magic.

As a contrast to this fiery energy, you’re feeling more sensitive than usual during these final two weeks of Cancer season, and you may find yourself micromanaging your emotions as well as the sentiments of those around you. Rather than taking on the role of being everyone’s therapist, this is an ideal week to get clear on what you consistently require in order to have your own needs met. Really reflect on that, and move accordingly.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this week after the Cancer new moon will be quite eye-opening for you. Since the new moon took place in your sector of expansion, chances are you’re looking at yourself and your life trajectory from a more optimistic standpoint than you did just a few weeks ago. Hold on to this ability to have faith in yourself and your journey, and take time this week to sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself about ways you’ve remained in your comfort zone. Make it your mission to take one bold and courageous step out of your comfort zone this week — it’ll pay off formidably in the long run.

Mars, your ruling planet, is spending its final two weeks in your opposite sign of Taurus. This transit has been teaching you the art of compromise, and this week you may go through a cosmic test where someone in your intimate circle triggers you and you have to keep your cool, while also setting your boundaries and making it clear where you stand. Make it your mission to get curious about what you’re supposed to be learning from each other. Not being immediately reactive or defensive will help you on your evolutionary journey.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, life has been putting you through so many tests lately, especially during Mars’ transit in Taurus in your sector of health, wellness and service. You’re more exhausted than you outwardly show and if there’s anything you should do this week, it’s rest. It doesn’t matter how lengthy your to-do list is; take a breather from the rat race and soak up the magic of being alive on Earth. Pay attention to the sound of your beating heart. Feel the breeze blowing against your cheek. Let yourself cry while listening to your favorite piece of music. Truly be present with the intensity stirring within you.

With Venus entering your fellow Fire sign of Leo on the 11th, you won’t be staying stuck in your shadows for long. The combination of Mercury and Venus in Leo helps you see the light at the end of the tunnel, Sag. Your sector of expansion and long journeys is most activated by these transits so if you suddenly get bitten by the travel bug, it’s a sign for you to switch up your daily routine and book a trip near or far in the coming days or weeks. A change of scenery will do you a world of good.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, you’ve been receiving epiphanies lately regarding who you can truly trust, as well as the people who are longing for you to trust them and to let them in. The energy of last week’s Cancer new moon is still going strong, encouraging you to soften your approach to communication and allow your more sensitive side to emerge. Working on a creative project with someone who gets your way of thinking is the name of the game this week. Tap into the new moon portal and make a game plan for where you’d like to be six months from now. This is the time to plant seeds in the fertile soil of your own consciousness and remember to water those seeds, too. 

With Venus joining Mercury in the sign of Leo this week, beware of power struggles and ego trips. You may want to prove your point to someone so badly that you fail to give them the time of day and see where they’re coming from. Your mission this week is to practice patience when things don’t immediately go your way. This isn’t the time to get caught up in drama when you could be thriving in your own lane. Keep your eyes on the prize and when people try to knock you off guard, don’t take the bait.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, your partnership sector is lit up this week as Venus joins Mercury in your opposite sign of Leo for several weeks. If you’ve been a bit of a recluse during the first stretch of Cancer season, this week you’ll emerge from your hermit hole, willing to let your extrovert side take the lead. This leads to you having more fun than you’ve had so far this month. Say yes to group dates and one-on-one adventures with people who make you laugh, smile and play. This is an ideal week for not taking yourself too seriously, especially since Saturn, one of your planetary rulers, is retrograde in Pisces.

But at the same time, since we are in the final two weeks of Mars’ transit in Taurus, a part of you can’t help but think of more practical life concerns such as paying your bills, saving for retirement, clearing out past karma or debt and figuring out how to simplify your lifestyle so that you don’t feel pulled in several directions. This weekend’s first quarter moon could have you feeling restless — if that’s the case, you’d benefit from taking part in meditative activities to avoid letting anxiety take over.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, you may feel like you’ve been floating your way through life since June came to an end, due to having both Saturn and Neptune currently retrograde in your sign. When you combine these retrogrades with the recent Cancer new moon, be aware that you’re looking at life through a super subjective and sentimental lens, making you prone to getting caught up in nostalgic trips down memory lane. You may need to ground yourself in the present moment this week, with the stabilising help of Mars’ final stretch through Taurus. 

Mercury and Venus are both in Leo this week, in your sector of routine, health and wellness. Chances are you’re in the mood to be physically active these days — much more than usual. While you’ll enjoy the boost in energy that these fiery transits provide, it’s essential that you keep in mind that we’re in retrograde season so if you push yourself too far, your body will resist and you’ll be worn out. There’s a lot of fixed sign energy in the cosmos right now, which may be leading you to make extreme decisions. Instead of pushing yourself too hard, practice the art of moderation.

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