Welcome to Money Diaries where we are tackling the ever-present taboo that is money. We’re asking real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last penny.

This week: “I’m a 37-year-old risk analyst who works from home. I live with my husband, S, and our 4-year-old daughter, C, in the town that we grew up in. S and I are high school sweethearts; we have been together for nearly 23 years and married for seven. We have both progressed in our careers since we moved in together and are pretty comfortable month to month. We are very fortunate that we never had high childcare costs as both sets of parents helped with childcare before C went to nursery. I work 28 hours across three and a half days and have one and a half days off with C. She’s starting school soon and I am going to really miss our days off together. We share all our income and expenses therefore all the totals below are based on the household.”

Occupation: Risk analyst
Industry: Private healthcare
Age: 37
Location: Glasgow
Salary: £28,898 (pro rata from £36,000 as I work 28 hours out of 35 FTE). My husband’s salary is £36,000.
Paycheque amount: £1,997 (my husband’s paycheque is £2,150). Child benefit is £102.40 but we save this for C each month. Both wages go into one joint account and we share all our money.
Number of housemates: Two: my husband, S, and daughter, C.
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses 

Housing costs: £323 mortgage (going up to £414 from next month as our fixed deal has run out).
Loan payments: £111.65 kitchen loan (only two more payments until it is paid off!).
Savings? £1,531 rainy day savings, £1,359 holiday savings, £1,150 40th birthday savings, £2,681 general savings, £10,000 house savings.
Pension? I pay 6% into my pension, I’m not sure how much my employer pays. 
Utilities: £202 gas and electricity, £162 council tax, £30.46 internet, £13.25 TV licence.
All other monthly payments: £8.37 life insurance, £185.29 car, £57.03 EE, £65.43 S’s phone, £27.99 C’s swimming lessons, £17.99 boiler insurance, £78.33 couches on interest-free finance over four years, £25 Specsavers,
£16.25 C’s gymnastics, £10 football, £20 gym. Subscriptions: £5 Netflix, £2.99 Apple storage.

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
I did well in school so the assumed path was university. I have a 2:1 honours degree in accounting and business law (hated most of it). Luckily, we don’t pay tuition fees in Scotland and at the time I went to uni you also got your travel paid. I stayed at home and my mum and dad didn’t take any dig money as I only worked part-time. I did take out a loan in my fourth year to buy my first car (it cost £2,000, haha).

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money?
I don’t remember ever having conversations about money other than “don’t build up debt on a credit card”. We always went on a couple of holidays each year including one abroad. We weren’t rich but I think my mum and dad prioritised things like holidays and day trips and these are what you remember. Friends had bigger houses and I remember always wanting my own room as me and my sister shared until we moved out. Again I think my mum and dad prioritised making memories over having a bigger house.

If you have, when did you move out of your parents’/guardians’ house?
When I was 25.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself? Does anyone else cover any aspects of your financial life?
I became fully responsible when I moved out at 25. I know my parents and in-laws would help us out if we ever needed it. S and I share all our money, which I think is pretty unusual these days, but I could cover all the bills on my own if need be.

What was your first job and why did you get it?
I got a Christmas job in my local supermarket just after I turned 16. This got made permanent and I worked there right through until I was 21 and finished uni. My mum and dad and my grandparents gave me pocket money but I was encouraged to get a job to make some money of my own.

Do you worry about money now?
No, I don’t worry about money. We both earn a decent salary and there are options to progress in both our jobs. We would like to move house in the future so we are trying to build up money for that. We love our holidays so don’t want to take on too big a mortgage.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income?
I received £1,000 when my grandad died and used it for an extra holiday.

Day One

4 a.m. — My 4-year-old daughter, C, shouts on me at 4 a.m. to come into her bed (you will see this is a regular occurrence). She falls back asleep but I am wide awake. End up buying a Michael Kors bag for £50 on Vinted that I have had my eye on.

6 a.m. — C wakes up. I am having a development day at work today where we can go on LinkedIn etc. and learn about a topic that interests us. Make C some toast. She then decides she doesn’t want toast. Have the daily battle over clothes and hair.

9 a.m. — Finally out the door, three hours after we got up. Stick on my beloved Crocs to do the nursery run. I swore they were only for the garden but have joined the Crocs club. 

1 p.m. — My husband, S, picks C up from nursery as she does a half day on a Wednesday. I am on a call so he tries to keep her out the house for a bit and they end up at McDonald’s for lunch. They ask if I want one brought in. C gets a Happy Meal, S gets a Big Mac meal and I get a McCrispy meal, coming to £18.

4 p.m. — Finally finish up after a mega busy afternoon in work. I work 28 hours across three and a half days but my managers are great and are so flexible with the actual hours. 

5 p.m. — S is away doing 1-2-1 football training. I have a go at making cannelloni. I love cooking and it is something I really miss having proper time for since having C. Send my friend K a picture of it as I am pretty proud of how it turns out. Serve C hers in a bowl — she then decides she wants a plate! Bribe C away from colouring by the promise of listening to Taylor Swift while we eat dinner. I am really lucky that C is overall a really good eater.

6 p.m. — Wanted to get out for some fresh air but it’s pouring. Play Frustration with C instead. She quits twice in a huff because I was winning, haha.

6:45 p.m. — Stick S’ cannelloni in the oven to heat up while I bath C. We alternate bedtime — S does it tonight so I can log onto the Next VIP sale and order C three pairs of winter boots in the next size up, wellies, slippers, leggings, shorts, a party skirt and PJs. I also order myself a hoody. Put it all on my Next card. I won’t count the money yet as I will return some items.

7 p.m. — End up on the Zara sale and get C trousers, jeans and a few jumpers, £68. Then end up on Amazon and order a birthday present for my cousin’s little boy, unicorn decal and rug for C’s room, £66.

8:30 p.m. — Sit down with S and watch The Parisian Agency on Netflix (would recommend). Email the place where I am getting a tattoo in a few weeks to check if I am okay to use numbing cream.

10:30 p.m. — Head to bed knowing I will get shouted on!

Total: £202

Day Two

4 a.m. — C shouts on me at 4 a.m. to tell me her idea for her cousin’s birthday present. His birthday is November.

6 a.m. — C falls back asleep with me in her bed and then wakes up at 6 a.m. She goes to my in-laws on a Thursday and they give her breakfast, which is a win. S is in the office today so I transfer him £20 for train and lunch. He lost the bank card for our joint account years ago and never replaced it so I do a lot of transferring! S drops C at his mum and dad’s on his way to the train station. 

10 a.m. — Pay £20 deposit for my tattoo in a few weeks. It is my first tattoo and I am a bit nervous.

10:30 a.m. — Quiet in work today so watch Motherland while working. I work from home permanently and go down to the office in London a few times each year.

12 p.m. — Finish work for the day. It is bouncing rain and I get soaked going over to the station for the car. We share a car and S took it this morning since he was dropping off C on his way. Go to Co-op to get some snacks as my friend J is coming over for lunch. Buy bread, milk, pancakes, ham and a Twix, £7. Go pick C up from my in-laws, then do a quick tidy-up before J arrives. She is getting married soon so we chat about that while C does a gymnastics show for J. Make us all a protein bagel with ham for lunch. 

3:30 p.m. — Time to take C to swimming lessons. She is coming on so much but it is such a faff for half an hour of a lesson! Realise I have forgotten C’s goggles so have to buy another pair at the leisure centre, £6.50. Grab a bottle of Diet Coke, a flavoured water and a packet of Smarties at the cafe after swimming, £4.

5 p.m. — Head to my mum and dad’s for dinner. I have been going to their house for dinner one night a week since I moved out 11 years ago. They are the best! 

5:30 p.m. — Nip out to get my nails done and leave C at my mum and dad’s, £25. Drive back afterwards and S has arrived. Mum makes a fab paella — you can always guarantee a good feed at my mum’s! 

6:45 p.m. — Get C in a bath — it is hair wash night. Play with her in the bath then get her out and into jammies. Book and bed, asleep by 7.40 p.m.

8 p.m. — Pay £344 off my credit card — this is for an upcoming glamping trip! Watch The Parisian Agency with S and have a pancake with jam. 

10 p.m. — Head to bed and remember I need to pay off my Next account from last month, £56. Pay up, then try and sleep. 

Total: £482.50

Day Three

1 a.m. — Wide awake.

3:45 a.m. — Awake again. I am such a bad sleeper, I never sleep a full night. Any tips welcome!

7 a.m. — The very rare night that C sleeps right through until 7 a.m. and I woke up twice! S gets up with C and I lie in bed until 8:15 a.m., trying to get back to sleep. It doesn’t happen.

8:15 a.m. — Get up and jump in for a quick shower before C realises I am up. We are in a very clingy-to-mummy stage at the minute, which is hard going.

8:45 a.m. — Another dry shampoo hair day #mumlife. Iron the clothes and pack the bag for the day, cursing myself I didn’t do it last night. I don’t work Fridays so we are heading to the safari park with C, my mum and my dad.

12:30 p.m. — Having a great day at the safari park. Stop for lunch, which is a picnic my mum kindly made. See a woman get attacked by a seagull for her chips. I get us some cookies, myself a cup of tea and C an ice cream, £10. My mum and dad got the tickets — they are really good to us and C and I appreciate how lucky we are.

4 p.m. — Leave the safari park. It should take an hour to get home but there is an accident and the sat nav is saying one hour and 40 minutes. Eventually drop mum and dad home but I haven’t taken anything out the freezer for dinner. Phone S and he is just finishing work so we decide to get a pizza, £20.

6 p.m. — The pizza was so disappointing! It was from a takeaway we used to go to but haven’t been to in years. We won’t be back. Watch the end of the football with C climbing all over us, then play with her for a bit.

8 p.m. — C is asleep so it’s time to chill. We sit down to watch TV and read this week’s Money Diary. I remember I haven’t booked nails for my friend’s wedding so I get this booked. I’ll pay on the day.

11 p.m. — Head to bed, then remember I need to check in for my flight to London for work for next week. Quickly do that then lights out.

Total: £30

Day Four

3 a.m. — Wide awake.

4:20 a.m. — Still awake.

5:30 a.m. — Still awake. Take a travel pill to see if it helps me nod off.

9 a.m. — Wake up and C hears me getting up so joins me in the bathroom while I go to the toilet. S has been up with her since 6 a.m. She has been insisting she doesn’t want breakfast but as soon as I am up she wants it. Make me and C toast with butter and jam. It’s an ongoing debate in our house whether this is nice or disgusting — S thinks it is disgusting.

10 a.m. — Stick C in a quick bath and get her hair washed. S plays with C while I have a quick look on New Look for an outfit to wear to our London office next week. Order three pairs of trousers but not really feeling any of them, will see when they arrive, £70. Pack C’s bag as she is staying at my sister P’s tonight.

12:30 p.m. — C and I go and pick up my football strip for the tournament I am playing in tomorrow. Then we pop into my mum and dad’s for a cuppa. I see my mum and dad about four times a week and speak to my mum multiple times a day on the phone, haha. P comes over to pick up C. She is really good to C and they are super close. Today she is taking her shopping for her school bag and then having a sleepover.

1:30 p.m. — My mum and I get a rare afternoon where it’s just the two of us. We head down to a local seaside town and go for lunch. I get the steak pie and mum gets the lasagne, both are fab. We split the bill so it is £10 each including tip. We then go and play mini golf and have so much fun. I pay for this and buy a Diet Coke, £9.50. 2024 has been a tough year for our family so it is nice to be starting to see the light again.

3:30 p.m. — Go for a walk along the promenade. It has turned out a lovely day. Go into Superdrug on the way back and get C’s vitamins, £10. Drop mum back home and pop in for a cuppa and to see my dad. 

5 p.m. — Listen to Crime Junkie (amazing podcast) as I tidy up a bit. Nip out to drop football strips off to a few of the team who stay near me. I then go to Tesco and spend £39 on bits including a steak meal deal, some fruit, mince and a bar of Dairy Milk with Crunchie.

8 p.m. — S and I have the night to ourselves and we just chill and watch TV. We always get so torn when we have a child-free night between going out for dinner and just relaxing. Relaxing wins tonight. Watch Power then The Parisian Agency while munching on the chocolate.

8:30 p.m. — P phones to say C is wanting to come home. We talk to her on the phone and she agrees she will stay but I tell P if she won’t settle in half an hour, we will come get her. P texts about 8:50 p.m. to say that C is asleep.

10 p.m. — Head to bed in C’s bed as I need to be up early for football in the morning so don’t want to wake S.

Total: £138.50

Day Five

6:45 a.m. — Child-free and yet still up so early for the football tournament. I started playing recreational football back in October for a local women’s team and I love it. This is our first tournament so we are all really excited. Jump in a quick shower and grab a cuppa before my friend M picks me up.

8 a.m. — We are on our way on the bus through to Edinburgh. We are all buzzing and have the tunes on. Eat a bagel on the bus. I get travel-sick so I don’t want anything too heavy.

10 a.m. — We are early for the tournament so we do a pit stop at Costa. I get tea and toast, £4.50.

1 p.m. — Tournament finished. We got beat in every game but it was great fun. It was our first tournament and I think overall we did pretty well. You could tell some of the teams properly train etc. whereas we are just there for fun.

2:30 p.m. — We stop at McDonald’s on the way home and I get mine and my friend M’s. We both get Big Mac meals and M gets a McFlurry, £15. M got injured at the tournament so is hobbling about with no shoes on. I realise I have had McDonald’s twice in a week — this isn’t a common occurrence! 

4:30 p.m. — Get home and I am greeted by S and C. P dropped C back to S and they’ve had a daddy and daughter day, which C loves. My legs are starting to get sore, probably from not doing a proper cool down.

6 p.m. — Go in the shower and wash my hair. Phone my mum to tell her how today went. Play with C for a bit before it is time for her bed.

7:45 p.m. — C is refusing to go to sleep for me. She keeps chatting, I think it is because she hasn’t seen me. S takes over and he manages to get her down. We really need to tackle getting her to go to sleep by herself.

9 p.m. — S plays on his computer while I watch Motherland and do some life admin. I book a taxi for the airport for next week for work. I will pay this on the day but can reclaim through expenses. One of our fixed savings pots is coming to an end so I have a look at a new one we can put the money into. I got made redundant in December 2022 and have been saving some of the redundancy money in high interest savings accounts.

10:30 p.m. — Head to bed, hoping my busy day helps me sleep.

Total: £19.50

Day Six

5 a.m. — Wide awake as it is so bright. We have blinds as we have a bay window but we might need to get some curtains. End up going into C’s room as it’s darker.

7 a.m. — Get C ready for the day. She wants to pretend to be a boy so I find clothes she deems suitable boy clothes. Make her some Weetabix for breakfast while I have a cup of tea. Log onto work to clear emails before I start for the day.

8:15 a.m. — Out the door to walk to nursery. C finds a stick and wants us to play fetch as we’re going along. I am going to really miss the walk together once she starts school as it is lovely. Hand a pair of shoes that don’t fit C anymore into the nursery.

9:30 a.m. — Have a bagel and a cup of tea before my weekly call, which is 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. See that our home insurance renewal has been sent and it has doubled so I make a note to check Compare The Market.

12 p.m. — Walk down to get a click-and-collect order for C’s school uniform. Return an H&M parcel that I have been meaning to return for ages. I also nip over to Argos to get an art set for C, £10. She recently won an art competition but all they got was a certificate so we decided to get her a small prize.

12:30 p.m. — Pick up some Deep Heat to see if it helps my legs, £5.07. Buy a can of Diet Coke on my way home as it has turned out to be really warm, £1.20. Make a wrap and a packet of crisps for lunch once I get home. I then download Duolingo as we are going to Switzerland in December and I don’t know a word of French so I need to learn some basics.

4 p.m. — Finish for the day and S is still working. C is at my in-laws’. They pick her up from nursery on a Monday and give her dinner, which is great. Go down to the garden and cut the very overgrown grass.

6 p.m. — Make an easy oven fish and chips for me and S for dinner. It is really hot and our kitchen is a sun trap so I can’t face cooking. S and I walk over to collect C. On the way home she is crying, saying we don’t understand her. God help us when she is a teenager!

7:30 p.m. — Get C into bed and she spills milk all over the place. This results in a full PJ and bed strip. Finally get her to sleep and go pack for London for work tomorrow.

9 p.m. — Sit down with S and watch some Scot Squad, nice easy watching. Have a Twix and a cup of tea then head to bed to start a new book, The Last Resort by Susi Holliday.

Total: £16.27

Day Seven

5 a.m. — C shouts on me. It is always mummy she shouts for, not daddy. Go in beside her and she goes back over until 6:40 a.m.

8:15 a.m. — Take the car to nursery as it is pouring with rain. C is a bit clingy as she isn’t liking that I am going away overnight for work. Nip to Lidl and get milk, tea bags, rice cakes, crackers, bread, biscuits, cold and flu sachets, apples, strawberries and chocolate, £20. 

10 a.m. — Pay £56 off Klarna to M&S for C’s school uniform. Work is really busy and I work through my lunch so I can finish early. 

3 p.m. — Pick C up from nursery so I can see her before I go to the airport. Play with her for a bit then finish packing.

4:30 p.m. — Get picked up for my flight. C is crying and clinging onto my leg — proper mum guilt kicking in. I pay for the taxi but it will be reimbursed.

5:30 p.m. — Potter about the airport trying to pass some time. Flight is delayed by 45 minutes. Get a chicken nugget meal from Burger King and a doughnut from Krispy Kreme, which I can expense through work. It is so much more peaceful travelling by yourself. 

9:30 p.m. — Land in London. Get the train from the airport to Liverpool Street, then the Tube to my hotel, £2.20. Listen to Killer Instinct podcast on the train.

10:40 p.m. — Finally arrive at the hotel. The room is really nice and modern with amazing blackout blinds and a great view. I am desperate for a cup of tea and realise the room has no tea or coffee-making facilities. Could cry! Settle on drinking some of the water I brought with me and eating a doughnut. Have a quick shower as I feel horrible from travelling. Then get into bed and watch Motherland on my tablet.

Total: £78.20

The Breakdown

Food & Drink: £158.20
Clothes & Beauty: £345
Home & Health: £15.07
Entertainment: £10
Travel: £2.20
Other: £436.50

Total: £966.97


“I love Money Diaries and have been meaning to do one for a while. I really enjoyed doing this. I feel like I either have a really quiet week where I don’t spend a lot or a manic week. We spend a lot of our income on holidays, which we love as we don’t really go out socialising. I need to start doing a big shop again and stop just picking things up. We never normally eat as much takeaway as this week but it was a bit of a busy week and I hadn’t meal-planned.”

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