We’ve made it to the final eclipse of the year. On 2nd October at 7:49 p.m. BST, the Libra new moon solar eclipse strikes and kick-starts a six-month cycle of greater harmony, beauty and justice on personal and collective levels. This eclipse will feel much lighter than the lunar eclipse in Pisces but since the South Node is in Libra, there’s likely to be karmic issues from the past that need to be dealt with this week. 

We’re a week away from the start of Jupiter’s retrograde through Gemini, making this an ideal time to get communication and travel-related matters taken care of. If you’ve been procrastinating when it comes to important missions that will help you progress in your professional or creative path, use Jupiter’s direct position and the momentum from this week’s solar eclipse to tie up loose ends, because you may feel less motivated once the retrograde begins.

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week’s solar eclipse in Libra sheds light on what needs to transform in your closest relationships in order for you to feel happy. You’ll also be willing to put your pride aside and make amends with people for whom you care deeply, and this will open you up to a healthier and more reciprocal way of relating with your partner(s). Now’s not the time to get caught up in drama or ego struggles, especially with your ruler Mars currently in the sensitive and compassionate sign of Cancer. Focus on listening to others rather than needing to be right. 

As Jupiter prepares to begin its retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, you’re reflecting on your relationship to social media and social networks, both online and offline. Make sure that you’re investing more time in real life rather than being preoccupied with crafting your ideal brand or persona digitally. This upcoming retrograde period may be the ideal time to consider a digital detox or to acknowledge any addictive tendencies you have.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this week’s solar eclipse in Libra activates your sector of health, wellness and routine. You may have a sudden change of heart when it comes to where you’d like to direct your energy for the rest of this year. Perhaps you no longer vibe with your current work environment, or you’re seeking something more expansive. There’s no need to make an immediate decision right now — allow the eclipse story to unfold on its own while opening yourself up to pleasant plot twists and surprises.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, will shift retrograde in Gemini next week, which will affect your sector of money and security. You can prepare for this shift by reviewing your budget and spending habits from the past eight months and committing to simplifying, streamlining and eliminating non-essentials. This is also an ideal time to think about past passion projects that you may want to revive.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, now that your ruler Mercury is in your fellow air sign of Libra, and the solar eclipse takes place in Libra, you’re coming alive and feeling creative, flirtatious and free. But Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn in your sector of depth is leading to your inner world feeling much more intense than you outwardly portray. Deep existential thoughts are coursing in the back of your mind, and your mission this week is to find a healthy balance between your hermit side and your social side. 

Jupiter is preparing to shift retrograde in your sign next week on the 9th, which is heightening your sensitivity to life and to your closest ties. Do your best to slow down this week, even if the Libra solar eclipse is supercharging your creativity and making you excited for all that’s to come. The pre-shadow period of Jupiter’s retrograde asks you to cultivate greater peace by having fewer responsibilities or expectations on your plate.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, you are awakening to yourself and to your deepest values thanks to the Libra solar eclipse activating your sector of home, the past and your roots. This lunation encourages you to get closer to your family — either your actual family, your chosen family, or both. This may be easier said than done as Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn is excavating some profound wounds that may be tied to your closest partnerships and to your childhood. This week’s eclipse can help you remedy pain from your past and remain focused on what you’re creating now. 

Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini begins next week in your sector of spirituality, closure and healing, and you’re already feeling the effects of this upcoming shift. You’re sensing a need to invest in new spiritual tools for your healing. Since Gemini energy is connected to youth, challenge yourself to find fun and light-hearted ways to heal rather than excruciatingly intense ones. For example, blowing bubbles, flying a kite, doing a cartwheel, signing up for an improv or yoga class — these are all ways to heal through nurturing your inner child.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, since you’re ruled by the sun, this week’s solar eclipse in Libra charges you up with dynamic energy that propels you into a new era when it comes to how you communicate and how you express your creativity. Think about the ways you’ve been wanting to express your imagination lately, while you may have been limiting yourself. This eclipse changes the way you show up for your most pressing passions; you’ll feel an irresistible urge to express yourself through song, dance, poetry, writing, sending voice notes, creating art or just spending time vibing with your bestie.

Jupiter is getting ready to shift retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, which will activate your sector of friendship, tech and social networks. You’ve been noticing that your friendship group is changing, and that you need more space from certain people with whom you used to be constantly in touch. This is completely normal, especially during eclipse season, so use this upcoming retrograde to reflect on what your values are as a friend so that you can attract the energy that you emit.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, this week’s solar eclipse in Libra activates your sector of money and security. You’ll feel a burst of motivation when it comes to improving your financial situation and not letting yourself get caught up in a victim mentality. Yes, things may have felt tough this year but you made it through some of the toughest periods of the year and now it’s your time to rise. With your ruler Mercury also in your money sector, you’re thinking of innovative ways to boost your income while ensuring you’re doing what you love. 

Meanwhile, Jupiter, the planet of luck, is one week away from the start of its retrograde in Gemini, which activates your career and reputation sector. Beware of haters emerging and trying to slow you down during this retrograde. Since Gemini is Mercury-ruled, like you, you’re being cautioned to watch what you share and when you share it. You’re already a discreet person but this week it’s best to protect your energy even more by setting the necessary boundaries

Libra Sun & Rising:

Happy solar eclipse in your sign, Libra! You’ve made it to the final eclipse in your sign for the next decade. This week will feel like a spiritual and physical rebirth for you. You dropped the dead weight during the lunar eclipse in Pisces two weeks ago, and now you’re ready to soar. It’s time to be unapologetically selfish with your time and energy. Ask yourself what you really want and need to feel fulfilled, and start getting rid of anything that stands in the way of that. Let go so you can receive what’s meant for you. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck, is getting ready to shift retrograde in Gemini next week and since this will influence your sector of travel, expansion, media and education, some Libras may be contemplating going back to school in the coming weeks or months, or relaunching a product that they poured a lot of love into. Trust your instincts but also pace yourself and make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, stay still this week. Yes, everything is shifting but with the Libra solar eclipse activating your sector of healing, spirituality and closure, some of the biggest changes you’ll experience will take place within yourself. You’ve been a busy bee lately, especially now that your ruler Pluto is in Capricorn, activating your communication sector. You’re trying to finish the year strong but at what cost? If you don’t invest in more consistent periods of rest and relaxation, you’ll burn out and won’t be able to reap the rewards of your investments.

Keep in mind that Mars, your second ruler, is in Cancer in your sector of expansion for another four weeks, and since Jupiter is preparing to shift retrograde in your sector of intimacy and mergers, you may feel a push and pull between your desire to take leaps of faith and your need to be more discerning regarding what risks you take and why. Spend time this week journalling the pros and cons of the big decision you’re currently wrestling with. Soon, the answer you’re looking for will make itself clear.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, this week’s Libra solar eclipse activates your sector of friendship, networks and tech. This is a great week to launch a digital venture and invite others to be part of the magic — you’re likely to go viral or secure an exciting partnership opportunity as a result of putting yourself out there and being willing to ask for help. Your life is going to improve drastically these next six months thanks to the positive energy of this eclipse, but this is mainly the case if you’ve been putting in the work and if you’re disciplined enough to see your projects through to the end. 

Make sure to shoot your shot this week because starting next week on the 9th, your ruler Jupiter will begin its retrograde in Gemini for the next four months. This can lead to people you once counted on suddenly switching up on you and acting funny. So if there are terms you need to agree upon or put in writing, do so now, with the harmonious energy of Mercury’s transit through Libra.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, ever since Pluto has been back in your sign, you’ve been feeling on top of your game. But it may have felt like a lonely journey in many ways. This week’s solar eclipse in Libra activates your sector of career and reputation, which means you may notice that the tides are turning and people are now coming to you in search of collaborative opportunities. You won’t feel as lonely anymore — you may even be overwhelmed with all the options you have when it comes to who to work with. Tap into Venus’ presence in Scorpio to be discerning about who has your best interests at heart. 

Jupiter retrograde is nearing and once it begins next week, it’ll highlight your wellness and routine sector. You may feel less motivated to commit to a fitness regimen or special diet during this time, so spend this week creating a realistic plan or schedule for you to stick to these next four months. Give yourself grace and the spaciousness necessary to have some wiggle room for days when you lack motivation. You’re only human, after all.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week’s solar eclipse in Libra activates your sector of expansion, media, publishing and long journeys. You may be dreaming of travelling abroad in the next six months, either temporarily or as a full-on relocation. This eclipse helps you push past limiting beliefs regarding entrepreneurial dreams you’ve been brainstorming. Now’s the time to plan diligently for your big launch, because by March 2025 you may have manifested what you’re currently visualising (especially since Pluto will be back in your sign starting 19th November). 

The one caveat to all this forward momentum is the fact that Jupiter, the planet of luck, is preparing to shift retrograde in your fellow air sign of Gemini next week and this could lead to you overthinking instead of living in the moment. Beware of a tendency to get lost in information overload. Reduce your dependency on technology this week and turn up the volume on your internal intelligence.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, two weeks ago you experienced a potent lunar eclipse in your sign which radically changed the way you view and treat yourself. Now, this week’s solar eclipse in Libra will gently transform the way you relate to and treat others, and vice versa. With your sector of depth, merging and intimacy activated by this eclipse, you’re being asked to forgive, release and start fresh when it comes to collaborations or joint endeavours. Make sure you’re not blindly forgetting past experiences — tap into Pluto’s presence in Capricorn to make sure you’re doing your research before signing on to new deals or continuing existing partnerships. 

Your ruler Jupiter is preparing to shift retrograde in Gemini next week and you can already feel the changes bubbling up within. Your sector of roots, home and the past will be most influenced by Jupiter retrograde, which could lead to some Pisces wanting to spend time with their family or reflect on childhood experiences. If things are tense or ultra sensitive when it comes to your family, honour that reality without trying to deny or ignore it. This is the time to face the truth head-on so that you can move forward once you’ve healed. 

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