It’s the start of another school year and that means another event to look forward to – the homecoming dance! If you’re thinking of attending this event, it’s high time you think about what you’re doing for your makeup.

However, as much as homecoming makeup looks are important, focusing on your skin is also vital. Here are skin care steps you can follow a week before the special event to make the skin glowing, fresh and radiant!

Good skin doesn’t happen overnight. Having a healthy skin reflects overall mental and physical health in combination with the skincare products you use. Personally, whenever I prepare for a special event, I make sure I do all my skincare regimen at least a two weeks before. This will ensure my skin is perfect during the event itself.

Your Homecoming Makeup Will Look Stunning With This Skin Care Steps

As you plan for your homecoming dance, there are a lot of factors to consider. You already have the perfect dress, shoes, and homecoming makeup look – now, you have to make sure you have the ultimate accessory – glowing skin! Having radiant skin isn’t a one shot deal. In fact, you need to do all your skincare regimen at least a week before the special day. If you lack time, however, I recommend doing these skincare tips the night before the event.

Here are the skincare steps to get glowing skin on your Homecoming Dance:

1. Exfoliate

Exfoliating is the key to a flake-free, smooth and glowing skin. Sometimes, this is one of the skincare regimen steps most overlooked by ladies. I personally love to exfoliate my skin once in a while. This process removes the dead skin cells, revealing smoother, softer and younger-looking skin.


2. Go For Beauty Masks

Check out Your Homecoming Makeup Will Look Stunning With This Skin Care Steps at
Facial masks have gained immense popularity among women across the globe. I, for one, love to use masks. You can buy them from beauty stores or drugstores, or you can make your own face masks from ingredients you have in your kitchen. Yes, there are a lot of homemade face masks that can make your skin glowing and radiant for the homecoming dance.


3. Cleanse Your Skin Gently

Always choose a gentle cleanser which is not drying to the skin. Cleansing your face will get rid of excess oils, makeup residue and dirt that may irritate your skin. You don’t want to go to the homecoming dance with breakouts, right?


4. Moisturize

Don’t forget to moisturize. I prefer moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid and other natural ingredients. Hyaluronic acid has the power to hold in moisture, giving you smooth, supple and younger-looking skin.


5. Apply Your Sunscreen

Check out Your Homecoming Makeup Will Look Stunning With This Skin Care Steps at
I personally recommend using your sunscreen every day, no matter what the season is. The ultraviolet rays of the sun may cause skin damage and the appearance of premature signs of aging. So, this is an important step in preparing for your homecoming dance.


For more skincare tips before the big event, here’s a video by Michelle Phan:

Will you try these skincare steps to prepare for your homecoming dance? Let me know in the comments section below. You can try this elegant bun hairstyle for a more glamorous look! 

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