How to shrink pores is probably one of the most common concerns of both men and women. Large pores are unsightly and they’re not exactly looked upon as beautiful.

It’s also very difficult to choose which product to use to get rid of this problem. There’s just too many choices and too many promises. This is why I turned to alternative remedies by looking for effective and natural ways to maintain my youthful skin.

Pores are found on the skin so it’s basically all over the body and not just on the face. The pores are small openings that allow sweat to pass thereby keeping people cool. There are several factors for enlarged pores such as aging, genetics, clogged pores and sun damage.

Given these factors, how do you shrink pores then?

How To Shrink Pores | Effective & Natural Ways To A Youthful Skin

Limited sun exposure is on top of the list. If sun exposure is inevitable, wearing sunscreen daily is recommended plus using an umbrella or wide brimmed hat would do wonders. A regular skin care regimen is also important. Never forget to remove makeup before going to bed as well. Finally, eating healthy food is also a key to minimizing pores.

On top of these, there are available natural remedies that can help in minimizing the appearance of pores. Here are some of my tried and tested remedies that can deal with how to shrink pores.


1. Ice

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Ice has properties that can reduce muscles and vessels. It helps reinvigorate skin too. Rub the ice on the face for about 10 to 20 seconds. Do this with several repetitions.


2.  Papaya

Papaya repairs damaged skin as it contains antioxidants including vitamins A and C and flavonoids. It also exfoliates dead skin cells. Additionally, papaya thwarts clogging of pores. Learn how to make a scrub here.


3.  Plain Yogurt

How to shrink pores with this product is fairly simple. Plain yogurt has zinc, B vitamins, calcium and lactic acid that can tighten pores and produce brighter and lighter skin. Apply plain yogurt to face for 10 to 15 minutes, wash off, and finish with moisturizer.


4. Egg White and Lemon Juice

Egg white firms up the skin while lemon exfoliates it. Here is a recipe to a good mask using these nature produce.


5. Cucumber Juice

Check out How To Shrink Pores | Effective & Natural Ways To A Youthful Skin at
It is a natural astringent that refreshes the skin. Place juice on the face for 15 to 20 minutes then wash off with cold water.


6. Sugar Lemon Scrub

A simple sugar lemon scrub exfoliates skin thus removing dirt and unclogging pores. Check out this recipe.


7. Honey

Shrink pores by applying honey to your face for a couple of minutes then wash it off. It has medicinal, antibacterial and healing components that unclog pores.


8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Tightening pores is possible with apple cider vinegar because of its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory components. Apply equal parts of vinegar and water solution to the face then rinse with water.


9. Baking Soda

It’s just not a common baking ingredient as it’s also a beauty staple. Baking soda is an exfoliating agent, which means it takes away dirt and excess oil from the skin. Check this mix to make an easy mask.


10. Milk

Check out How To Shrink Pores | Effective & Natural Ways To A Youthful Skin at
Apart from being a good source of calcium, milk also has beta hydroxy acid that takes off dead skin cells. Just dab a milk-drenched cotton on the face, let it sit for a few minutes then wash off with water.

These are just some effective and natural ways on how to shrink pores. I advise though that if you’re too excited to try these stuff, try one at a time. Check for a couple of days how one remedy suits you. If you’re dissatisfied with the results, move on to another remedy.


Here’s more idea on how to shrink pores naturally from Faradhukai

Are you excited to try these remedies? I would like to hear your thoughts through the comments section below.

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