This week: “I’m a 31 year-old part-time flight attendant and ‘stay-at-home single mother’. I previously wrote a money diary in 2019 when I was living between London and Germany. I have since had my daughter, who is almost three years-old. Me and her dad separated when she turned one and we’ve been trying to co-parent ever since. I work as a flight attendant on a part-time basis (55 hours a month) meaning I am gone for a maximum of 10 days a month. She’s with her father or my parents or his parents when I’m away. It’s been very hard managing both but I’ve made it somehow work so far. I enjoy the time being away from my daughter every now and then but I also love being a mother and being at home taking care of my house, cooking etc. I just love the fact that I can do both as it really makes me appreciate every aspect of life more. I believe in investing in your work-life balance and not so much being busy making a living that you forget to make a life. I’m very lucky to have this job that gives me the freedom to choose how many hours I want to work and decide where and when I want to go. If it wasn’t for my family I wouldn’t be able to do what I do and to live my dream and also be a mother at the same time.”
Occupation: Flight attendant
Industry: Aviation
Age: 31
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Salary: €40,000
Paycheque amount: €1,800-€2,000 + layover allowance (€300-€500)
Number of housemates: One (my daughter).
Monthly expenses
Housing costs: €1,200 including all bills
Loan payments: €1,785 credit card bill.
Savings: €6,000 in my savings account, €1,200 in my daughter’s savings account. I also get €250 in child support from the government (Kindergeld), €400 alimony, and another €300 from the government (single parent support).
Pension: I’m paying about €200 in every month.
Utilities: Included in my rent.
All other monthly payments: €50 internet, €15 phone, €30 global roaming, €48 kindergarten, €14 Revolut metal.
Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
I quit studying after the first semester. Thankfully, it’s (almost) free in Germany.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money?
I grew up with my grandma as my mother was busy working two or three jobs. My grandma spoiled me and my sister and always gave us more money than we needed. She would buy us whatever we wanted from early on. She never taught us to save money, but always saved money for us, ironically. My mother always taught me to put money on the side but we never really had someone to look up to in that way. When my sister or I had some debt my grandma would always take care of it. My great grandma (her mother) had her own business and worked very hard all her life. She wanted to make sure the next generations wouldn’t have to struggle financially.
If you have, when did you move out of your parents/guardians house?
When I turned 18 I moved out. I went to work as an au pair in America for a year.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself? Does anyone else cover any aspects of your financial life?
Like I said, my grandma. To this day she makes sure me and my sister don’t have to worry about financial struggles. We try to not take advantage of that privilege but sometimes we ask her for support when we have a bigger investment (new kitchen, my sister’s wedding etc).
What was your first job and why did you get it?
I started working as an au pair in Denver, Colorado. I got $220 per week back then.
Do you worry about money now?
I am a single mother, so I do worry every now and then. But I made it my priority to save for my daughter from day one. I’ve had some financial struggles before and my grandma has helped me a lot. That being said, I still have my own money and make sure that I can provide for my daughter and put some money aside for her.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income?
Me and my sister received some money when our great grandma passed way.

8 a.m. — I go downstairs to brush my teeth, wash my face and put on a moisturiser and SPF. P goes straight to her room to play with toys she got recently. I change her diaper and then tell her to go brush her teeth (she hates it).
12:15 p.m. — We’re having some leftovers from a party at my cousin’s last night. We had a giant charcuterie board with cheese and fruits and a fish platter. My aunt made her famous chilli and I brought the caviar with blinis creme cheese and tiramisu. My Dubai chocolate tiramisu was also a big hit. Everyone loved it but I wasn’t too keen on the pistachio creme.
1 p.m. — I decide to do a deep clean of my house which includes cleaning the kitchen (oven, stove, fridge) all the cabinets and shelves and the dishwasher. Then I clean the whole bathroom and my daughter’s room.
I call my mother to pick up my daughter for the day (she lives 15 minutes away from my house).
2:30 p.m. — My mother arrives and I get my daughter ready to head out. They have a very close relationship, she’s a great grandma to my daughter. I couldn’t ask for more.
2:45 p.m. — I start cleaning the kitchen using the oven cleaner my aunt swears by. It’s supposed to erase all the stains within seconds. Then I continue with the stove and the dishwasher. As anticipated the fridge takes the longest. I throw all my old sauces away and everything else that expired. I also declutter my pantry and realise I’ve been accumulating chocolate and snacks for a family of 10.
6 p.m. — I decided to skip the bathroom today and just do my daughter’s playroom. I ordered some storage shelves from IKEA last week and hope they will arrive this week so I can organise all her toys once and for all.
My mother texts me and tells me that my daughter will sleep at hers tonight (yay!).
6:45 p.m. — I browse the Lego online sale and treat myself to a new Disney Aladdin castle. Someone gave my daughter the wrong Lego for Christmas (creator edition instead of Duplo) so I ended up doing it for her. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since and decided to make it my new hobby, €14.
7 p.m. — I get hungry again, but decide to make myself a protein shake (I have been trying to gain weight for a while). I mix a banana, peanut butter milk oats and cinnamon in a blender. I also make myself cheesy toast.
11:45 p.m. — Take a shower, head to bed putting on a Christian podcast and call it quits.
Total: €14

6 a.m. — My ex, E, just finished his night shift (he asked to come over to take care of our daughter today). I let him in, he falls asleep on the sofa and I go back to bed.
11:30 a.m. — I wake up and stay in bed for a little longer. I FaceTime my mother and talk to my daughter. I go down and E is still asleep on the sofa. I brush my teeth and then have some ginger tea with honey. My throat has been sore for the last few days. I take some Lemme Glow vitamins and B12.
12 p.m. — I look up some storage units in my area and find a good offer. My landlord just recently told me to clear my basement unit. I have 10 boxes of old baby clothes plus four other boxes full of clutter. I choose a small unit which will cost me only €1 for the first month and then €42. They charge an extra safety lock and contents insurance fee for today’s payment, €31.
12:30 p.m. — I head to my local shopping centre to buy some more storage boxes, €20.
Then stop at the supermarket to get a few groceries: bread, eggs, milk, mango, dragonfruit, chicken thighs, rice and some snacks, €37.45.
1:30 p.m. — Get home, E wakes up and I ask him to help me putting the boxes in the car. The storage unit is about 15 minutes away from my house. We fill up the car but decide to come back for another round.
3 p.m. — We did two rounds of driving and now stop at my mother’s house to pick up our daughter. I drop him and my daughter off at the indoor playground and head back home to start cooking. I’m making arroz con pollo tonight.
4:30 p.m. — I pick up E and P and we head back home. I put my daughter down for a quick nap while I chop up some salad and prepare a fruit platter with dragonfruit, kiwis and mango.
5:30 p.m. — We have dinner and then it’s time for a bath. I fill up the bathtub with her favourite toys and a pink bath bomb.
6:15 p.m. — I browse the Abercrombie sale. I became a VIP member last week and received a €25 voucher. I get two collar neck sweaters, new jeans, a merino polo zip up and new pyjamas, €229.
8:30 p.m. — E and I watch a church sermon on YouTube and then we get ready for bed. My daughter brushes her teeth, then I do my skincare, starting with a Korean cleanser, Dr Dennis Gross pads then finish off with a moisturiser which has arnica Mexicana in it (to help reduce redness). I’ve had some rosacea for a while and this helps a lot.
10 p.m. — My daughter has been struggling to fall asleep. We read a few books and she insists on having some food again. I make her a quick porridge with oat meal banana cinnamon and milk. Then we do our night time prayer and pass out.
Total: €317.45

8:30 a.m. — The DHL delivery guy wakes us up. P’s new shelves from IKEA arrived today. I get very excited as her room has been a mess with all her toys lying around everywhere.
9 a.m. — I head straight to the kitchen to have a big glass of water. My daughter asks for a banana and then I do my daily morning routine. We do a morning prayer then continue to have some breakfast. I make an omelette and chop up some carrots and grapes.
10:30 a.m. — E starts assembling the shelves and when he finishes I put all her toys in the shelves including her Barbie’s, Lego, Sylvanian Family, stationary and books.
1 p.m. — I requested a three-day layover to Cancun and got it approved. I’ll be flying there dead head (as a passenger) then go back two days later on duty as official crew. I start packing a medium size suitcase. I got some cute things from the Anthropologie summer sale including a maxi skirt, a crochet bucket hat and some cute feather sandals. I pack a dress and some beachwear. I check my toiletry bag (which is always ready packed) and see that I need to stock up on cotton buds and kirby grips. I also put some snacks in my cabin bag and put my work iPad on charge. Then I start packing my daughter’s bag for the next three days. She’ll be staying with my parents while I’m gone.
2:30 p.m. — I put my daughter down for a nap. Her dad makes a chicken soup. He always adds lots of turmeric and Caribbean spices. I take a quick shower then lie down on the sofa for a bit.
4:45 p.m. — My grandma turns 80 next month. I’ve been wanting to go to the ballet for a long time and I’m sure she would love it, too. I go ahead and buy us two tickets,€125.90.
6 p.m. — We get ready to head out. We drop off our daughter at my parents’ house then go to our local bowling alley. We meet my sister and her fiance. We’ve been very good at co-parenting lately and also been getting along very well. We try to create the best possible environment for our daughter and sometimes forget that we’re not partners anymore (yikes).
9:30 p.m. — We play three rounds of bowling, have some fries and cocktails and then play two more rounds of pool. We won both rounds then split the bill and head home, €65.40.
11 p.m. — I pick a comfortable outfit for the flight tomorrow. Then I set my alarm and check in for tomorrow flight on the app and pick a window seat. Snooze.
Total: €191.30

4:30 a.m. — My alarm goes off, I check my messages and emails and the weather forecast for Cancun. E has an early shift too so he gets up with me.
5 a.m. — I put on some jogging bottoms and a turtleneck sweater. Some Nike sneakers and grab my passport. Apply some SPF then drop off E at the train station.
5:30 a.m. — I park my car at our crew parking then head to our cafeteria. I get a bagel with brie and a turmeric latte then head to the briefing room, €4.20 with crew discount.
5:45 a.m. — I quickly meet my purser (chief flight attendant) then head back to the gates. I’ll be meeting the rest of the crew on the plane as they are flying on duty.
8 a.m. — I board my flight. The flight is pretty full but I am flying business class as this is covered by my employer. I get cosy in my seat, put on a collagen face mask and pass out. I wake up just in time for dinner. I’m having a watermelon feta salad for starters. For the main course I order the salmon steak and for the desert I opt in for the creme brûlée cheesecake. I have a glass of champagne and watch It Ends With Us on the inflight entertainment. The guy sitting next to me looks at me weird as I’m crying throughout the film. I catch up on more sleep.
1:30 p.m. — After an almost 12-hour flight we arrive at Cancun international airport, 1:30 p.m. local time. I pick up my suitcase, hop on the hotel shuttle that’s waiting for me at the arrivals outside and arrive at the all inclusive hotel. I check in and ask for a room with a bath tub, as this is always part of my self care when travelling. We only have a shower at home so I always get excited when I get to have a bath on my layovers.
5 p.m. — After unpacking my suitcase and getting comfortable in my new home for the next three days, I pick a cute outfit and check out the hotel services which includes an outside pool, a health and wellness area and, of course, the bar on the ground floor. I meet some of my colleagues at the beach bar and we are all having some cervezas which are part of the all-inclusive.
9:30 p.m. — After an exhausting day, I head back to my room put on my silk pyjamas, brush my teeth and chill on the balcony for a while. I FaceTime my daughter and tell her that I miss her already then pass out in my kingsize bed.
Total: €4.20

8 a.m. — I wake up and head straight to the breakfast buffet. I’m having beans with rice, chicken tortillas and some fruits. I ask the waiter for fresh watermelon juice then take a stroll at the beach.
10 a.m. — I get ready for my day. I’m heading to see some cenotes. I go downstairs to the cab drivers next to the reception and find a nice driver (Hector). He will drive me around town the whole day for 1,800 pesos. It’s sounds a bit much but I accept the price hoping he will show me some nice places, €85.
11 a.m. — We arrive at the cenote and I’m lucky as it’s quite empty. I dive right into the cenote and just enjoy the peaceful cave vibe. I meet people from Canada and we have a quick chat before I take a few pictures with my camera. I take a stroll around the place and see some beautiful peacocks walking around. I also find a hammock and have a cerveza before heading back, €19.
1 p.m. — I meet Hector at the parking lot and ask him for a good taco place to eat. He takes me to Puerto Morelos, a beautiful little fishing village. It’s only a 15-minute drive. I walk down a little pier and watch people fish.
2:30 p.m. — Hector takes me to this taco place near the pier. I’m starving! I order some fish ceviche and chicken tacos with a can of beer, €16.65.
3:30 p.m. — I see a souvenir shop across the street and spot this big dark blue sombrero. I don’t know why but I really like it so I try to make a good deal with the owner. I end up paying €71.
4 p.m. — Hector drops me off at the hotel and I head to my room and take a quick nap.
6:30 p.m. — I meet some people at the Mexican restaurant in our hotel and we have dinner together. I get the plantain croquettes, a Caribbean salad with coconut dressing and chicken enchiladas. For dessert I order the churros.
9:30 p.m. — Back in my room, I wash my face with a Korean cleanser, then put on some tretinoin and moisturiser. I take a quick shower then get comfortable in my bed. I peek into the Hallow app for a good night prayer then turn off the lights. I started practising my religion more in the last few years and started to have a deeper relationship to the man upstairs.
Total: €191.65

8:30 a.m. — I wake up and head straight to the breakfast buffet where I have fruits and jugo de naranja. I go back to my room and put on a swimsuit and a maxi skirt. The sun is extra strong today so I put on some SPF 50+++, my bucket hat and walk down to the reception.
9:30 a.m. — Today I will visit a little private beach called Playa Delfines that a friend recommended to me. It’s supposed to be a locals’ beach. I meet Hector again and ask him for another ride. He drops me off at the beach and we arrange to meet five hours later at the same spot. I need a tan so bad so I lay in the sun for a couple of hours with a bottle of Corona. There’s a little souvenir shop and I purchase some mini tequila shot glasses for my sister and a postcard for my mother, €9.75.
1 p.m. — After a couple more hours in the sun I get hungry so I head to this little restaurant and order nachos and guacamole. They are delicious but I’m still hungry so I get churros with dulce de leche,€12.
2:30 p.m. — Hector is waiting for me in a little calle next to the beach. I find him napping in his car and wake him up. He plays local Mexican music for me and we talk about life. He told me he came from Acapulco 30 years ago to work in the Riviera Maya. His family is still in Acapulco and he sends them money every week. He drops me off at my hotel and I pay him €71.70. We shake hands and he gives me his number, he asked me to remember him when I’m back one day.
6 p.m. — I never did an all-inclusive holiday but it’s true you won’t leave the hotel because everything is for FREE! I put on a linen dress and head to the beach bar where I meet some Peruvian girls. They are celebrating their friend’s birthday. They have tequila shots but I politely decline. There’s a bachata dance class at the main stage near the pool so I go there but feel some sudden tiredness kicking in.
11 p.m. — I head back to my room and pack a few things for tomorrow’s flight. I talk to
my daughter for a few minutes before passing out.
Total: €93.45

8:30 a.m. — I wake up and finish packing everything up for my flight. Then put on my uniform (this time I’ll be flying on duty). I put on my lipstick and put my hair in a ponytail. I leave a €10 tip in my room for the cleaners and head straight to the check out. I drop off my all-inclusive band and towel card and wait for the airport shuttle with my crew.
12 p.m. — We arrive at the airport and drop off our luggage. Then head to security and have a briefing at the gate. The flight is overbooked so I prepare myself mentally for a stressful flight. The flight time is 11 hours and 30 minutes. We board the plane and do our security checks. I go to my position, then boarding starts. After a dinner service, movie snack and breakfast service we land back in Frankfurt.
6 a.m. — The passengers disembark, then we do our landing checks and head through crew customs. Then we shake hands with our crew and check out from our flight.
8 a.m. — I am finally home in bed. I’ll be taking a quick nap before heading back to my mother’s to pick up my daughter.
Total: €10

Food & Drink: €89.30
Clothes & Beauty: €300
Home & Health: €31
Entertainment: €205.30
Travel: €156.70
Other: €39.75
Total: €822.05
“When I’m on layovers I like to treat myself to nice food and souvenirs and just enjoy the perks of travelling. This week was just like every other week, though Mexico seemed relatively more expensive compared to last time I was there three years ago. I did return some of my Abercrombie order and spent the refund money on more things for my home. I enjoyed this money diary and had to look back on my old money diary to compare my spending behaviour. I am more mindful of the things I spend on now that I have a daughter and I did save a decent amount of money this time around.”
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