Even if you think it’s a capitalistic grab or just a lame holiday, Valentine’s Day isn’t going anywhere. (And you might even be one of the die-hard romantics who truly loves it). So, we’ve asked a higher power to help us out. 

Tarot is more than just a deck of fun, gorgeous cards, it’s a form of divination used to give us insights into the past, present, and future across an array of topics. Including love! And while they’re not here to predict our future, they can offer us guidance and information.

We sat down with Sarah Potter, a tarot reader, professional witch, and colour magic practitioner based in New York City, for a reading specifically tailored to Refinery29 readers and what’s to come for the lovey-dovey holiday. “Valentine’s Day is a day about celebrating and honouring love in all of its forms,” she says. “Not just our romantic connections but our friendships, the people who feel like family, and the way we love ourselves.” 

Read on to find out what your love life is in store for this Valentine’s Day — and a special card pull for Fire, Water, Air, and Earth signs — and how you can put the loving, possibly horny, energy to good use.

9 of Cups

The very first card pulled by Potter is the 9 of Cups. She refers to it as our wish card, meaning that what we desire can become our reality. “It’s a card of emotional fulfilment, satisfaction, and contentment,” she says. We’re already starting off with some good energy!

This Valentine’s Day, take stock in where love is already present in your life — this could be in romantic relationships, friendships, and among family members — and then think about where you want it to grow. Name it, think about it, and envision what that looks like for you. “[This is] an opportunity to really call in that love that you desire,” Potter says. “When we know what we need and want, it’s so much easier to find it.

This also happens to be the first card pulled for our collective tarot reading for 2025 — coincidence? I think not.

8 of Swords (Reverse)

The second card pulled for our collective reading is the 8 of Swords reversed, which Potter sees as the card as liberation. “It’s letting go of any limiting beliefs or any self-imposed limitations,” she explains. “I always think of this as an opportunity to rewrite our story.” Maybe you always thought you wanted one version of love or a specific perfect Valentine’s Day, but now you want something else. That’s totally fine — and totally normal.

“Whatever you want can be yours,” she says. “You just have to know what you want and not get in your own way.” Let go of fear, break free from self doubt, and don’t judge yourself for wanting what you want, even if it’s that stereotypical, flowers-and-chocolates type of Valentine’s Day. “Listen to your heart and give yourself that space,” Potter says.

6 of Pentacles (Reverse)

The 6 of Pentacles reverse highlights imbalances in our relationships, both platonic and romantic, Potter says, adding that there’s a lot of self reflection coming through in this reading.

Notice the give and take of your relationships. Where are you not receiving enough? Where are you not giving enough? Are you taking advantage of any situations? The goal here is to achieve balance, so look for the disparities and correct them. “Nothing’s in perfect balance moment to moment, but this is an opportunity to make any adjustments whether it’s speaking up for yourself or maybe you need to be a little bit more vulnerable,” Potter says. “What’ve you got to lose by being honest and saying what you need and want?”

And, of course, remember to celebrate the relationships that you do feel balanced in. “Maybe it’s really acknowledging a friend that’s been there for you and sending them flowers or a kind message,” Potter says. “This is an opportunity to embrace all of the positive aspects of love and emotional fulfilment in your life while seeking more joy and balance overall.”

Fire Signs: 10 of Pentacles

For Fire signs, Potter says that this Valentine’s Day is going to focus on appreciating who in their lives feels like family — whether they’re by blood or by choice. Whether you have a partner or not, make sure to carve out some time this holiday to connect with your fam. “Maybe send a gift to your sibling or a sweet message to your aunt or your mom,” Potter advises. “Acknowledge and celebrate the family that you have, and honor the roots of those relationships.”

Lucky for you, Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday — meaning that you have the entire weekend to spend celebrating the ones you love, no matter what kind of love that is. Take advantage of the circumstances and plan ahead for some fun. You deserve it.

Water Signs: The Lovers (Reverse)

While Fire signs may be advised to surround themselves with people, Potter says Water signs should do the opposite and indulge in a solo Valentine’s Day. “Make it a point to take care of your heart and show yourself a little extra love and care because it looks like our Water signs have been really going through it taking care of everyone else,” she says. “Make a commitment to yourself to take care of your own heart just in the way that you would take care of everyone else.”

Buy yourself flowers, get a manicure, order your favourite meal, take yourself shopping — just do something that’s for you and you only.

Air Signs: King of Pentacles

As for Air signs, it’s time to indulge this holiday. “I want our Air signs to really feel comfortable, grounded, and taken care of,” Potter says. And what better way to do that on Valentine’s Day then head out to a fabulous meal? Whether you’re coupled up, hanging out with friends, or dining solo, this is the day to really go all out in your plans. “Don’t save it for a special occasion — Valentine’s day is a special occasion,” Potter says. “Air signs need to feel] like a king of Earthly delights and sensual pleasures, and to me the best way to do that is through food,” she says.

Earth Signs: 6 of Cups

Earth signs should embrace heading back to their roots this V Day. “Your Valentine’s Day is going to be for your inner child, so I want the Earth signs to plan something that lets them play,” Potter says. The 6 of Cups is the card of nostalgia, so really lean into that vibe — have a movie night where you watch your favourite movies from when you were a kid, make a playlist, play games, tell stories, look through old photos. “If you have the access, go to a place that you loved when you were younger,” Potter says. 

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