Essential Oils are beneficial in more ways than one, but today we’ll delve a little deeper into how these oils can nourish and beautify the skin. Read on for more!

Patchouli Oil

If you summer from regular acne breakouts and blemishes then this essential oil should be at the top of your list. For centuries patchouli oil has been used in countries such as Japan, China and Malaysia to treat skin problems such as dry skin, eczema and dermatitis. When used consistent it is also known to help eliminate stretchmarks.


Lavender Oil

Check out The Best Essential Oils for Beautiful Skin at

These essential oils are renowned for their stress relieving benefits but many don’t know that lavender can soothe the skin and even help to fight acne.  You can add a bit of water to your lavender oil then apply it directly on the acne breakout. Lavender contains potent antioxidants that can also help to counteract environmental toxins that can affect the skin.  This oil can protect your skin against the damaging rays of the sun as well. If you suffer from horrible sunburn after a long day at the beach you can also apply some lavender oil mixed with coconut oil to sooth the affected areas.


Palmarosa oil

This oil is obtained from a tropical grass which grows in India. It is also known as Turkish geranium, rosha, motia, or Indian geranium. Whichever name you know it by, the main lesson is that it is very beneficial to skin health . It can be used to treat acne, psoriasis, as well as boils, abscesses and eczema.  It is also commonly used to moisturize the skin.

Are you a fan of essential oils? Which one is your all time favorite? Tell us in the comment section below!

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