With Pride Month here — this year coinciding with the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement after the killings of George Floyd and other Black victims of excessive police force, and racist attacks — WWD asked a few young Black creatives to share their coming out experiences.

Randy Bowden Jr.
I was always pretty afraid at the idea of coming out and what that really meant. I grew up in a very Christian home, with my dad being a pastor and my mom also being a minister. I was taught all my life that the way I was feeling was a complete wrongdoing. So with that, I always thought that coming out would’ve either torn me apart from my family or even an excommunication of some sort. Years and years of going back and forth with myself mentally trying to make all of these complex pieces of what I was feeling together. An opportunity to be a part of a docu-series reality television show, named “Hustle in Brooklyn” on BET, came to fruition. I was cast and they wanted to know about my love life, and it just so happened I was in my first real love relationship. I was so

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