If you’re looking to discover and support more black owned fashion brands, then you’ll be pleased to hear that, as with most things, there’s an app for that.

Introducing Blaqbase, which was created by Benedicta Banga, who grew frustrated when she couldn’t find businesswomen that could inspire herself and others.

She said, ‘It all started because I was in search of career role models at my next level and above. I wanted to showcase great things black women were doing and have one place to inspire other black women.’

Benedicta also found that she couldn’t find beauty salons that were local to her, ‘The second thing was my experience of shopping for simple things like makeup or haircare local to me. It was hit and miss whether my local department stores had any makeup for my skin colour and you definitely couldn’t get haircare products, I had to drive miles. This was both frustrating and inconvenient.’

Then there was the fact that black owned businesses were least likely to be invested in, therefore not as visible in searches so harder to discover.

So Blaqbase was born, a shopping app that helps you shop high quality and premium brands created by black women.

These include beauty products (including Elenge, Flora and Curl and Mynx London), clothing and accessories (such as We Are Kin and Relic), aggregated from multiple brands, which you can buy in one place using the single checkout, plus most of them deliver worldwide.

There is also a community feature, which allows customers, brands and creatives to connect with each other.

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