Recent studies have showed that Covid has changed our shopping habits for the long run, more specifically, shifting our spending online and towards slow fashion brands. Having polled people before on how much they spend monthly on clothes based on their salary, I thought I’d ask around to see how much money they’ve spent during the lockdown, on what, and whether they’ll go back to our old habits.

The results speak for themselves…

Sally, events and fundraiser for a private equity firm

Spend: £300

What: At the begging of lockdown I was buying more clothes, via ASOS and Mint Velvet, but about three weeks in I stopped. Lockdown made us realise that we wanted to buy a house out of London, so now the pennies are being saved for that. That being said I have spent more during lockdown on beauty products (skin etc) than clothes. I also became paranoid about Covid and it being on the clothes.

Lynne, librarian

Spend: £1,380

What: I definitely changed my habits – I’m an emotional spender and shop when I’m unhappy or fed up and there’s been a lot of that in the last few years. Having some time to go through all the stuff I’ve accumulated is quite shocking, especially when I wear about 5% of it. Lockdown has made me slow down and simplify and changing my job was designed to give me a work/life balance and reclaim some personal fulfilment.

So now I walk the dog, leave work on time and spend my free time drawing and painting to build my art business on the side which makes me really happy and I don’t need to shop. Now I’m thinking about what I buy and trying to put together a coherent wardrobe with fewer pieces. So I’d rather buy fewer and buy well rather than being a magpie and just scooping up everything I take a fancy to! I did spend more time on IG at the start which made me go a bit crazy buying stuff.

Preeti, qualitative director at a brand consultancy (on maternity leave)

Spend: Between £1.5-3.5k

What: I’m not on maternity leave right now (second child, eager to go back, he’s also now 9 months). I’ve spent a lot on clothing! Mainly aspirational summer clothing – lockdown combined with a struggle to accept my postpartum body has led to many, many purchases! All online. I’ll probably relax a little more now – with gyms open, I’ve started focusing more on exercise and trying to get back to a weight I feel more comfortable in rather than trying to overhaul my wardrobe.

Alessia, picture editor

Spend: £900
What: I never really bought online before but now I got so used to it and I found a few brands that really fit me/my style so I think I’ll stick to online shopping for a while! The only shops I would visit are second hand/charity shops.

Elsa, PR and events

Spend: Nothing

What: Is it bad that I haven’t bought anything and have been finding old treasures that I had packed away? Especially as I work in retail too. I did have a baby recently so have been buying some bits for her. I would have bought a couple of outfits and accessories for weddings and special occasions but they have all been postponed. When you look at how much you wear some of your clothes. it seems a bit wasteful given the current climate and what might get worse in the future.

shopping habits

Beth, PR executive

Spend: £2,000

What: Clothes such as leggings, pyjamas, shoes and homeware. It won’t change the way I shop going forward as I’ve always been shopping mostly online but during lockdown I’ve invested much more in pyjamas.

Olivia, Global Press Officer

Spend: £500

What: I bought some new trainers and some comfortable sandals for all of the extra walking I was doing during lockdown. I also ordered some shorts, I would never be brave enough to wear shorts in the office but they were great for working from home when it started to heat up. I also ordered a nice dress and blouse to wear post lockdown and a pair or boots which were on sale which I thought would be great for winter. I am usually a big charity shopper but I think I will definitely do more online shopping from now on. I am usually put off online shopping as I am never usually at home for deliveries but this is much easier now I am working from home more.

Shana, fashion designer

Spend: Nothing

What: We couldn’t go anywhere so I felt no need to have to buy any clothing! I just recycled whatever was in my wardrobe but began to invest slightly more on hygge e.g. bed linen, candles, hair products, books etc.

Tasneem, account manager

Spend: £400

What: I used to be a buy clothes without thinking whether on a lunch break or going into Zara and buying many items. Since lockdown I noticed my habits changing. I spent more on furniture actually! My not so lived in flat was transformed into a cosy space. I no longer bought work clothes and I started to become more conscious about sustainability and the impact of fast fashion. I also started to buy more from small businesses and black owned businesses such as We Are Kin.

Megan, journalist

Spend: £494

What: During peak lockdown (March-April), my priority was comfy work from home clothes. I spent £30 on cycle short multi-packs from Boohoo – I couldn’t justify spending a ton of money on clothes nobody will ever see me in. I also bought a £60 Eliou necklace which says ‘wash your hands’ on it, because it made me laugh and I needed some joy.

I spent £78 in May on linen trousers and a linen short suit in the M&S sale because I naively believed we’d be going back to the office soon. I was wrong. In June, I spent £18 on EGO slides because I wanted something I could slap on for an exciting Tesco shop. When the summer sales started kicking in, I saw that a Desigual x Miranda Makaroff jacket covered in naked ladies had been discounted (£128). I ummed and ahhed about buying it, but decided it was okay after calculating how much money I’d saved by not buying a coffee everyday.

At the start of July, word got around the office Slack thread that Rixo was having a sale. My dream dress – which I’ve had on my Pinterest board for months – was discounted. After pacing the house and calling my mum and friends for moral support, I pulled the trigger by justifying it as a birthday present to myself (£180).

Ellis, jewellery designer

Spend: £200 – £300 pcm

What: Clothing, shoes, furniture and plants as I didn’t have the commute, lunch or dinners/events out costs. I also changed shopping in supermarkets to independent grocers and food suppliers. So my spending hasn’t changed, in terms of amount, I just began spending it different places. I buy one or two expensive pieces, and no fast fashion, as I’d rather support independent brands (for example, Calla Paris and Avy & Co) and the quality is much higher. Plus if I’m spending more, I think about the purchase more. I definitely had more time to browse during lockdown, and purchased more plants to make our house more green! Now we are coming out of lockdown I still plan on shopping from the places I discovered during lockdown, as I’ve discovered some great brands and local veg and meat suppliers too.

The post This is how much people have spent on clothes in lockdown appeared first on Marie Claire.