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Credit: Samir Hussein / Contributor / Getty

The Duchess of Cambridge is one of the most famous women in the world (the Kate Middleton effect is real), and her every move is carefully watched and analysed. Body language experts have weighed in on her behaviour at official events, there have been rumours about whether or not she has had cosmetic surgery, and fans are keen to know where her favourite holiday hot spots are.

So if you fall into the Kate fan category, you’ll be interested to know that her signature may give us some clues as to what the Duchess is like behind closed doors. According to one handwriting expert, Kate’s signature says a lot about her and can be used to uncover facets of her personality that we, the public, may not necessarily see.

‘The slant of a letter, forwards or backwards, is thought to indicate something,’ the expert claims. ‘The Duchess of Cambridge has some idiosyncrasies in her script.’

They also note that there’s one small detail which indicates that Kate believes herself to be ‘the best’.

‘If you look very closely you’ll see there’s a period after her name. That basically means, “I’m the best, period.” People who are really assured of who they are and know they’re the best in their field will put a period after their name.’

According to Hello!, Kate’s handwriting also indicates that she is organised and relaxed.

Graphologist Emma Bache told the publication: ‘Catherine likes things very, very well organised, she can be a little bit dogmatic about things. Now, you might think that she is very calm because she has this persona in the media, and she is, up to a point, unless things don’t go her way.

‘She really needs people around her. She’s conservative by nature – she’s not going to upset anybody very easily. And her signature is right in the middle of the page; what you see is what you get. She knows her own mind, has a healthy ego and feels absolutely no need to put on airs and graces. Catherine is not going to rock the boat, ever.’


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