Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking Shows Just How Important Astrology Is In Love

Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking Shows Just How Important Astrology Is In Love

By now, you’ve probably heard about Netflix’s new reality show, Indian Matchmaking. The series follows Sima Taparia, Mumbai’s top matchmaker, as she tries to find lifelong partners for her clients in both India and the United States. She says that there are many factors when deciding who’s going to make […]

Money Diary: A 24-Year-Old Cam Girl On 38k

Money Diary: A 24-Year-Old Cam Girl On 38k

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we’re tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We’re asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period – and we’re tracking every last penny. This week: “I’m a 24-year-old Open University student and full-time cam […]

Has Coronavirus Finally Put A Stop To Toxic Spirituality?

Laughter emoji flooded our group WhatsApp as one friend asked: “Are these personally targeted at me or just your average millennial Instagram user?!?!” Above she had posted a screenshot of a sponsored ad for a book entitled How To Stop Worrying And Start Living which, as far as I can […]