Tag: lifestyle

What Happened When I Stopped Wearing The Hijab & Started Dating

What Happened When I Stopped Wearing The Hijab & Started Dating

I started wearing the hijab a few months shy of my 13th birthday, as a commitment to my Muslim faith and dressing modestly. That’s also when I got glasses and braces and began high school. It was 2005, when nerdy-girl-gets-a-makeover movies were at their peak. It’s safe to say that […]

Is ‘Made To Order’ Skincare The Answer To Beauty’s Sustainability Problem?

The beauty industry has a lot to answer for. From excessive packaging, which contributes largely to landfill waste, to a focus on natural, organic ingredients which are potentially harmful to ecological communities, the burden on the environment can’t be ignored. Yet, our beauty obsession, specifically skincare, shows no sign of […]

Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant & The Downfall Of A Rich Dynasty — Why Aren’t You Watching The Undoing?

Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant & The Downfall Of A Rich Dynasty — Why Aren’t You Watching The Undoing?

There’s a fair bit going on at the moment, from lockdown 2.0 to, erm, some stuff unfolding in the US, so you’d be forgiven for missing a few things here and there. However it’s not okay to be missing new HBO show The Undoing, which is airing here on Sky […]

This Is How Many Millennials Now Expect A Flexible Working Week

Nearly nine in ten millennials now expect a flexible working week, according to a new study. Some 87% of workers aged between 25 and 34 said they now expect some input into when and where they work. The study by Workshare also provides some insight into how Covid-19 and the […]

This Is the Oxford English Dictionary’s New, Less ‘Sexist’ Definition Of ‘Woman’

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has updated its definition of the word “woman” following a campaign highlighting the ways in which it was sexist and out-of-date. The new, more inclusive definition recognises the fact that a woman can be “a person’s wife, girlfriend, or female lover” rather than simply a […]

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are About To Have The Best Cuffing Season Ever

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are About To Have The Best Cuffing Season Ever

There’s no official start date to cuffing season, but once it starts getting dark before 5 p.m., all we want to do is stay inside and snuggle with someone. And while experts are saying COVID-19 is making cuffing season more intense than ever, we believe it should be a fun, […]

Parental Smacking Is Now Banned In This Part of Britain

Scotland has become the first nation in the UK to make smacking illegal. Under Scottish law that came into force on Saturday, children now have the same protection from assault as adults. “If you see someone physically punishing their child, you can call the police on 101 if you think a crime has […]

Patience Is A Virtue: Joe Biden Won The US Presidency!

Patience Is A Virtue: Joe Biden Won The US Presidency!

It’s official: Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States of America. CNN called the election for Biden on Saturday morning (afternoon UK time). Many people are understandably rejoicing at being able to finally say goodbye to Donald Trump, a president who has enabled white supremacist violence, […]