Tag: beauty

Looking Back At Cher & Josh’s Relationship, 25 Years Later

Looking Back At Cher & Josh’s Relationship, 25 Years Later

Clueless turns 25 this weekend, and there are really only two ways you can properly celebrate — by going on a Cher Horowitz-inspired shopping spree or by rewatching the iconic film, courtesy of Netflix. I chose to do just the latter (mostly due to my lack of access to daddy […]

3 Super Easy Summery Salads That Will Actually Fill You Up

3 Super Easy Summery Salads That Will Actually Fill You Up

Traditional salads are handy for quarantine times, in that they tend to require very little cooking, so no need to sweat over a hot stove in heatwave conditions (nothing quite like a no-cook meal, eh?). But their lightness and brightness all too often this comes at the cost of raging […]

How coronavirus changed the fitness industry forever

How coronavirus changed the fitness industry forever

Our bodies are not the only things that have undergone a reshaping during the Covid-19 crisis. The fitness industry has too. Getty Images The fitness industry has adapted to life in lockdown by going completely virtual – and it could well hold on to those changes permanently. I’ll admit, I […]

Clarisonic Is Going Out Of Business — & Having A Closing Sale

Clarisonic Is Going Out Of Business — & Having A Closing Sale

It’s the end of an era. Clarisonic has announced that after more than 10 years of being a market leader in the skincare device industry, the cleansing-brush purveyors will officially end operations. “After more than a decade of game-changing innovation and industry-leading technology, the Clarisonic brand will be shutting down […]

The 3rd Summer Of Love: Rave Reimagined For Post-Lockdown Life

The 3rd Summer Of Love: Rave Reimagined For Post-Lockdown Life

self.location.replace(‘https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/converse-shout-out’); /*! Waypoints – 4.0.1 Copyright © 2011-2016 Caleb Troughton Licensed under the MIT license. https://github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/blob/master/licenses.txt */ !function(){“use strict”;function t(n){if(!n)throw new Error(“No options passed to Waypoint constructor”);if(!n.element)throw new Error(“No element option passed to Waypoint constructor”);if(!n.handler)throw new Error(“No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor”);this.key=”waypoint-“+e,this.options=t.Adapter.extend({},t.defaults,n),this.element=this.options.element,this.adapter=new t.Adapter(this.element),this.callback=n.handler,this.axis=this.options.horizontal?”horizontal”:”vertical”,this.enabled=this.options.enabled,this.triggerPoint=null,this.group=t.Group.findOrCreate({name:this.options.group,axis:this.axis}),this.context=t.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context),t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]&&(this.options.offset=t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]),this.group.add(this),this.context.add(this),i[this.key]=this,e+=1}var e=0,i={};t.prototype.queueTrigger=function(t){this.group.queueTrigger(this,t)},t.prototype.trigger=function(t){this.enabled&&this.callback&&this.callback.apply(this,t)},t.prototype.destroy=function(){this.context.remove(this),this.group.remove(this),delete i[this.key]},t.prototype.disable=function(){return this.enabled=!1,this},t.prototype.enable=function(){return this.context.refresh(),this.enabled=!0,this},t.prototype.next=function(){return this.group.next(this)},t.prototype.previous=function(){return this.group.previous(this)},t.invokeAll=function(t){var […]