Tag: beauty

I Was In Lafayette Square Before President Trump’s Bible Photo-Op. Now, I’m Suing

I Was In Lafayette Square Before President Trump’s Bible Photo-Op. Now, I’m Suing

On the late afternoon of 1st June, Toni Sanders headed to Lafayette Square, near the White House, with her wife and nine-year-old stepson. For days, Sanders had been out protesting the pattern of police brutality that was killing a growing and alarming number of Black people. The 36-year-old and her […]

JK Rowling’s Transphobic Tweets Shouldn’t Be A Surprise

JK Rowling’s Transphobic Tweets Shouldn’t Be A Surprise

On Saturday — while people globally marched in protest of systemic racism and police violence against Black people and people of colour — author JK Rowling decided it would be a good time to send a tweet taking issue with a headline that used the phrase “people who menstruate.” “I’m […]

It’s Not Enough To Reform The Police — Defunding Is The Only Answer

It’s Not Enough To Reform The Police — Defunding Is The Only Answer

No modern grassroots uprising is complete without a robust social media component, and the racial insurgency that has followed George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers has been no exception. In the weeks of anti-police brutality actions that have followed Floyd’s killing, Instagram timelines have been flooded […]

A Comprehensive List Of Mental Health Resources For Black Women

For Black women, accessing mental health care is more important now than ever. Black people have watched as a disproportionate number of their loved ones die from coronavirus, all the while witnessing people who look like them be threatened or violently killed – for nothing other than being Black in […]

Everything You Need To Know About Making Your Own Skincare At Home

Everything You Need To Know About Making Your Own Skincare At Home

Angry breakouts, eczema flare-ups… Lockdown has a lot to answer for when it comes to skin bugbears. Among the wide range of contributing factors are stress, anxiety and changes to our daily routines but, for many, there’s one clear solution: a good skincare regime. From targeted treatments to quell spots […]