How to tell if you’re really demisexual

How to tell if you’re really demisexual

What if you could only have sex with someone once you’d formed a strong emotional connection? Stuggling to identify with her sexuality for years, best-selling author CJ Skuse shares her journey about finally recognising the life-changing signs (Getty Images) Nowadays, the rainbow of sexualities is more vibrant than ever – […]

Anne Hathaway Says She Was Ninth Choice For The Devil Wears Prada

Anne Hathaway’s super-relatable role as Andy Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada has gone down in film history – even if writer Aline Brosh McKenna isn’t quite so sympathetic towards the character as you might expect. But, in news which has the internet shook this weekend, Hathaway has revealed that […]

This Year, The Census Will Represent LGBTQ+ Communities For The First Time

This year’s UK census will be the first to recognise LGBTQ+ communities by asking two new voluntary questions on sexual orientation and gender identity. Carried out every 10 years since 1801 – with the exception of 1941 – the census aims to provide an accurate estimate of all people and […]

The End Of I Care A Lot Eviscerates Our Allegiance To The Almighty Dollar

The End Of I Care A Lot Eviscerates Our Allegiance To The Almighty Dollar

Warning: Spoilers are ahead for the ending of I Care A Lot. The new Amazon dark thriller I Care a Lot begins with Marla Grayson, a shady legal guardian played by Rosamund Pike, laying out her personal motto about generating personal wealth. “Playing fair is a joke invented by rich […]

If You Thought Connell’s Chain Was Hot, Wait Until You See Regé-Jean Page Wearing One

If You Thought Connell’s Chain Was Hot, Wait Until You See Regé-Jean Page Wearing One

When I first prepared to watch Normal People, I had a lot of expectations. I’ve read the book many times; my copy is tattered and covered in notes to prove it. And while sartorially, most of the series played out the exact way on-screen as it did in my head, […]

Here’s Where To Get The Sunset Projection Lamp That’s Gone Viral On Instagram

The internet is currently obsessed with sunset projection lamps, and it’s not hard to work out why. We’ve all been holed up at home for weeks on end, most probably staring at the same four walls, so we can hardly be blamed for craving something new to look at. Factor […]

These Are The UK’s New Hotspots For Young Renters

A new report has revealed the ongoing impact of Covid-19 on the UK rental market, with many towns benefiting from an influx of young renters while London’s popularity continues to drop. Though rents in London have fallen for three consecutive quarters, making the capital more affordable than before, it’s now […]